Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Visit the “Impermanence / Éphémère” Outdoor Exhibit

Hi and welcome! We had our vernissage of the  “Impermanence / Éphémère” Outdoor Exhibition at the Arbor Gallery in Vankleek Hill last Friday afternoon. The weather cooperated, the mosquitos had a good snack, the company was lovely and the art was very cool 😎! If you live in the area, it's worth going out for a ride to visit. 

“Impermanence / Éphémère” Outdoor Exhibit

Seeing textile art among the trees is pretty amazing. It was like going on a treasure hunt. Instead of "X" marking the spot, there were little signs around each art piece. I'm just going to give you a little taste of what's out there. I wouldn't want to spoil your fun if you get to visit!

Anne Warburton's "Birches" is made with pool noodles, sari silk, ribbon, acrylic paint, birch bard, player piano paper, Tyvek, organza and glue.

Birches by Anne Warburton

Olive Jones' "Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Us" is a mix media piece that includes felting, beads and found objects, on a metal garden stand and blue stoneware pot filled with soil.

Olive Jones' Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Us

Here are close-ups of her work.
Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Us
by Olive Jones

Details of 
Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Us

Lise Perras' "Dream Catcher Mobile" is made of welded metal, recycled t-shirt, beads, feathers, porcupine quills
"Dream Catcher Mobile" by Lise Perras

Lise Perras and "Dream Catcher Mobile"

Janet Tullock's "The Cosmic Chase: Orion Aims for the Seven Sisters" is made on a nylon sailcloth with spray paint, grommets and strip lighting.

"The Cosmic Chase: Orion Aims for the Seven Sisters" by Janet Tullock

Krystyna Sadej's "Wind Chines, a sculptured installation" made of a hula hoop, metal and aluminum cans, beads and can keys

"Wind Chines, a sculptured installation"
by Krystyna Sadej

Krystyna Sadej

Caroline Forcier Holloway's Hopeful for the Planet includes mixed media weaving made of jute, tea-dyed cheesecloth, and found branches, set inside an antique window frame.

Caroline Forcier Holloway

by Caroline Forcier Holloway

Andrée G. Faubert's (me) three seasonal fence art pieces: "Raining Pink Petals", "Squirrel!" and "Essence of Leaves". These all have a water-resistant background fabric with hand-dyed cotton, commercial cotton and upholstery scraps, tule, and half-shells of nuts.
"Essence of Leaves" features Connie ten Bruggenkate's hand-dyed and printed cotton.

Viewing the art at the vernissage with Lise Perras, Olive Jones, and Andrea Belcham, Artistic Director of the Arbor Gallery.

Lise, Olive and Andrea at the Impermanence vernissage

Impermanence - Éphémère Outdoor Exhibit

Related links
Linking parties
I've linked up to the following linking parties: Free Motion MavericksOff The Wall FridayPut your foot downPatchwork & Quilts


  1. Very cool exhibit you are part of, Andree!!! I feel like I know someone famous!!! I, too, love the spring season of raining pink petals! And squirrel--all quilters can relate! Leaves--so many interesting leaves! I love the birch trees, too! I could use some in place of the birch trees in our yard that the electric company took down.🫤

    1. Thanks Nancy, it's not going to make me famous but it is a great show. So sorry to hear about your birch trees - they're my favourite trees but could be hard to create a big one from pool noodles :-)

  2. Wow!! that looks like such a cool event! your pieces are BEAUTIFUL!! Did you plan to match the background of where your art was hanging? haha .

    1. Sure, it was all colour coordinated! :-) I'm looking forward to seeing these pieces in my own backyard eventually. Thanks!

  3. Superbe expo ! J'aime beaucoup ces oeuvres, et merci de les partager, c'est un peu loin pour moi ;) Les tiennes sont bien mises en valeur sur ce volet. J'aime bien Cosmic Chase aussi. Bravo mesdames ! Bon repos maintenant ;))

    1. Merci beaucoup Frédérique. Les oeuvres sont si différentes. J'ai hâte de visiter l'exposition avec ma fille et mon fils, une fois que la chaleur nous laisse!


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