Thursday, January 04, 2024

Making Plans on my 600th post!

Happy 2024! This first post of the year is also my 600th post. 🥳  Yeah! Thanks Yvonne at Quilting Jetgirl for hosting this wonderful party again. 

For the last couple of years I've tried to minimize and generalize my plans - that's the best way for me to get realistic and possibly follow them. Last year my intention for 2023 was to learn by playing, with mindfulness and contentment. I still think that this is a great intention to work towards but I've tweaked it a bit. 

For 2024, my intention is to learn by playing, with mindfulness and gratitude. 
Anna's Hygge t-shirt quilt December 2023


There are two quilts that I will be starting:
Swatches and plan
  1. my daughter's Paddington Bear quilt, and
  2. my husband's panel wall hanging.
I've started the Paddington centre panel

Double Decker Bus
May/June 2023

I'll be working on my Rainbow Neighbourhood flimsy, and finally, I'm really looking forward to free motion quilting (FMQ) my friend's quilt.

I've committed to participating in the SAHRR (Stay At Home Round Robin) again this year. I'm planning on making a medium sized wall hanging. That should help me keep up without stress. I love this challenge and the ladies who run it are so much fun.

It's going to be busy in the quilt making department but I have lots of time, no deadlines and some fun work ahead! 😊

Challenges and Hand-made Books

I will once again be participating in the Joyful Quilter's 2024 Table Scraps Challenge. I love making small scrappy projects each month. The fun of this challenge outweighs the deadline factor 😁 I'm already planning to make 3 more scrappy placemats for the rest of the family.

Two scrappy placemats done in 2023

Project Quilting starts January 7th. I'm really hoping to use my quilting calendar to keep track of events such as this. I've added it to the calendar - now I just need to remember to look at it! 😁 Speaking of calendars, I also need to make myself a FMQ agenda cover.  

These are the agenda and journal covers that I made in 2023
as well as the three Project Quilting projects.

I'm looking forward to making more handmade books this year. Although I'm no longer in the Handmade book club, I still have many books to make and all kinds of fun ideas for their uses. I'm also planning on leading a playdate with the Out of the Box (OOTB) fibre artists group this winter.

I procrastinated writing this post and made a Crown Binding. It's a type of Artist book structure and is made mostly by folding paper. I'm not surprised that my books turned out quite wonky - I was never good at origami. It's an accuracy challenge thing 😏

2 crown bindings

You can see the structure 
keeping the pages in place

Art Quilts and Mindful Stitching

I tend to spend time stitching and working on art quilts between the larger quilt projects. As much as I love quilting, I need to make art quilts. It nourishes my soul. The art quilts often involve mindful stitching, but I do want to stitch every day. I'm still a member of the Stitch Club. I don't make each project but I tend to go back and forth, depending on my mood. 

I'm not really working on an art quilt right now but I do have an embroidery started. It's called Snow Happens by Bird Brain Designs. I've had it forever in my stash and I've already started. I'm not going to show you more progress since it looks really bad with the pattern stitch lines in. Once I iron off the lines, it will look great - just not the same as the pattern! 😁 
Stitching the Snow people

Snow Happens by Bird Brain Designs

I'll be making a wall hanging for my son's girlfriend. Instead of those diamonds on the pattern, I was thinking of working with hexies. Once I figure out how large I want to make it, I'll design the wall hanging with various elements on it. I have until next December, so I should be good. I know that it isn't very mindful but as long as I have audiobooks to keep me going, it will get done!

I'm going to try doing some mindful stitching by either starting a small panel of intuitive stitching à la Karen Turner, or possibly following the Stitch Away the Winter Blues with Kate Ward of Zen Stitching. The objective isn't the end product but rather the process.

Participating in Shows

I'll be participating in the Common Thread Quilt Guild's quilt show this spring. I plan to enter Version 2.0. I will also be making some really fun fibre art as part of an outdoor exhibition. The art will live outside for a few months. I'm really looking forward to playing and seeing what I can make. I made these prayer flags last winter and they survived the outdoor very well.

Flag in the tree

Prayer flags on the snow

What I learned
  • As I look at my post, I realise that I have a lot of things that I want to do in 2024.
  • If there are very few deadlines, I should be OK. The stress comes with trying to meet deadlines, not in the playing with fabric and fibre 😊
  • I want to emphasize the playing aspect. If it's not fun, when why do it?
  • Playing gives me the freedom to try things, make mistakes and sometimes even work my way out of those challenges.
  • It's amazing to see all of the snow that we had last winter. Right now the ground is just covered in leaves. There was a light covering of snow on Christmas day but it was all melted by the afternoon with the rain we got.  
  • I'm looking forward to another wonderful year of learning and playing. I am extremely grateful for the gift of time that retirement has brought. 
  • Wishing you all happiness, health and fun in 2024! Here's to another 600 posts!
Linking parties

Free Motion Mavericks

Welcome to week 563 of Free Motion Mavericks. 

Last week DonnaLee made some really cute Christmas Tree coaster as well as more placemats and a runner. 
DonnaLee's sweet Christmas Tree coaster

Gail of Quilting Gail had a few finishes in December. One of her favourites was Vanishing Star. What a gorgeous quilt!

Gail's Vanishing Star quilt

Melva of Melva Loves Scraps finished her final quilt of 2023! It's a Wonky Star Toss quilt. What a fun finish 😊

Melva's Wonky Star Toss quilt

Finally, from Frédérique of Quilting Patchwork Appliqué, here is the beautiful Patio quilt that will be quilted in 2024!

Patio - finished and to be quilted in 2024!

It's now your turn!


  1. Congratulations on your 600th post, Andree! It's fun to see what kind of plans you have for 2024, and glad you're planning to make more Table Scraps projects. The Snow Happens embroidery design is adorable! Have fun with that!

    1. Thanks so much Diann, the Snow Happens embroidery is coming along nicely. Of course I had to add all kinds of things to it! It also helps that the audio book that I'm listening to while stitching is great - so a fun project!

  2. Bravo pour ton 600e post, et pour ces projections pour 2024. Il y a de quoi t'amuser encore cette année ! Merci pour la mise en avant de mon Patio ;))
    Bonne année, Andrée !

    1. Bonne année Frédérique ! Oui, il y a beaucoup de projets. Ça devrait me garder occupé sans trop de stress j'espére :-)

  3. Hooray for your upcoming 600th post! Love following you and your creativity. Hope 2024 brings lots of playing, mindfulness and gratitude to all you do!

    1. Thanks so much Kathleen - that would be very nice! I wish you all the best in 2024. See you on the 22nd! Take care.

  4. I like having lists and love the checking off part. I also thoroughly enjoy participating in the wide array of online quilting activities, PQ being the first of them! Congrats on your 600th post!

    1. Thanks so much Sandra. Speaking of which, I had better check out the PQ post today. Wouldn't want to get behind already :-) Happy New Year!

  5. Congrats of 600 post. You have some lovely projects in the works. The prayer flags are pretty and I love the Snowmen embroidery, I need to trace mine onto fabric soon. Happy Stitching.

    1. Thanks so much Deb. I'm having such a good time adding to the Snowmen embroidery. Hopefully that will be my next post. Thanks for dropping by!

  6. Definitely the right attitude for your 2024 goals and ambitions. Hope you have a fabulous year!

    1. Thanks so much Kate - and a wonderful 2024 to you too!

  7. 600 posts is a really fun milestone. It sounds like you have a lot of fun things planned for the year, and I hope you find a lot of joy and satisfaction as you work on them and cross them off your list. Happy quilting!

    1. Thanks so much Yvonne. I was pleasantly surprised that the planning and the 600th came together. I'm looking forward to another great quilting year. I wish you all the best in 2024.

  8. Congrats on you 600th post!!! Awesome!! I really like the things you are planning for this year - and paddington!! too cute!!

    1. Thanks Alycia. I had better get that Paddington quilt done this's on my list for the 3rd year!


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