Friday, November 11, 2022

Travel Adventures on Free Motion Mavericks

Welcome to Week 406 of Free Motion Mavericks. Sorry to be late but life is good and got in the way 😎. I was on a mini retreat with a great friend earlier in the week and then cooked up a birthday supper. I'm back in the studio and all is good 😊.

Designing FMQ travel for Version 2.0

Last week before I left, I started free motion quilting (FMQ) another section of my son's Version 2.0 quilt. This time it's about a wonderful holiday that we took as a family. With the Xterra truck packed to the max, we drove from Ottawa to the mid-west of the US. It was an unforgettable family adventure that is being depicted on Version 2.0.

From a photo, I traced the truck and then FMQ it. Here are the three images - FMQ over the tracing paper, the front and the back of the quilt. My wheels are a little wonky but the truck was awesome!

FMQ Xterra truck - over tracing paper

FMQ Xterra truck 

FMQ Xterra truck - from the back of the quilt

The next image is a topographical map of a part of Monument Valley, since Stéphane studied geology. I used the same process - copied a map onto the tracing paper and then FMQ over it.

FMQ a part of Monument Valley's topographic map over tracing paper

FMQ a part of Monument Valley's topographic map

Monument Valley's topographic map from the back of the quilt

It was time to take a picture and see how much was left to FMQ on Version 2.0. Unfortunately, it's really difficult to see from the photo but it's at least half quilted, and I finally know what's going to go in the other spots 😊

Over half quilted, although it's hard to tell

What I learned
  • When choosing which topographical map to FMQ, I realised quickly enough that it had to be relatively simple. My first choice was the Grand Canyon.... but it really would have been impossible 😊
  • I've figured out what and where I want to FMQ on the rest of Version 2.0. It's finally coming along well.
  • My son has printed up some game designs to incorporate. It's going to look great.
  • I've figured out most of the sun design what will be in the centre of the quilt. If you want a sneak peek, it will be a combination of Lori Kennedy's Spirograph Sun and Sunshine Variations
Related links
Linking parties
I'll be linking up to many fun linking parties. Why not check them out, after you've linked up below.😊

Free Motion Mavericks

Last week we saw the Patchy Pumpkin Farm Quilt by Sandra of mmm quilts. She used a floppy feathers with swirl and hook as an overall design. The quilt's backing is a beautiful, soft Minky. The quilt is just calling to be curled up in! If you didn't see it, it's really worth checking out! 

Patchy Pumpkin Farm Quilt by Sandra of mmm quilts

It's now your turn.


  1. What fun to relive your family adventure by memorializing it in a quilt with FMQ.

    1. Thanks Gwyned, it really is a great memory and fun to quilt. I'll need at least one buffalo and a tent :-)

  2. Fabulous quilting for this very special quilt. I love that you know what is happening in the next sections...always the biggest problem with all that free space. So much fun that you son has contributed, too, to the quilting plan!

    1. Thanks Kathleen. I'm really looking forward to putting in a couple of full days of quilting. I really need to get this finished. I'm really glad that my son has contributed ideas - that's a huge quilt :-)

  3. That's a great technique for getting the right details onto your Version 2.0 quilt. So good that some decisions have been made as to what else will be on the quilt! That's always the part that I struggle with.

    1. Thanks Raewyn, I struggled for a while but now if I can get a couple of days to work on it, it should move along quickly (famous last words lol)

  4. La voiture est bien faite, et pourtant ce n'est pas un motif facile ! Bravo !

    1. Merci bien Frédérique. Une chose que j'ai appris lorsque j'étais jeune, c'était de tracer. Pas toujours facile d'une photo mais ça bien été. Bonne semaine!


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