Thursday, April 02, 2020

Stitch Challenge and Free Motion Mavericks Link-up

Welcome to Week 274 of the Free Motion Mavericks linking party - where you don't have to be free motion quilting (FMQ) to link up. We're here to share, connect and encourage each other, no matter what techniques we use. 😊

Week 2 of the Community Stitch Challenge

In my last post, I shared with you my sampling piece that was created for the first challenge guided by Sue Stone. The Community Stitch Challenge on Facebook is organised by This week, we have the amazing Cas Holmes directing the challenge. We are making a small piece that depicts the landscape of our homes by exploring cloth and paper as a surface for hand stitching.
Hand-stitching space

On Monday evening I listened to Cas Holmes' video. After reading her handout I still couldn't think of a thing in my home that I wanted to stitch. I was just in one of those moods - so I let it peculate over night.

On Tuesday, I sat in my hand-stitching area that I've create for myself in our sitting room, took out some stuff and before I knew it, I had picked a background piece (the corner of a hand-dyed napkin) and had drawn the outline of my scissors with a textile marker.

From my pile of fabric bits, I added a couple of fabric strips to delineate my home and embroidered a window with the shining sun and a tree. I then added a piece of the wrapping of the Merci chocolate that my husband had just given me. This is the paper part of this exercise and is a thank you to these wonderful textile artists for this special opportunity to create with them.

Since I've been doing meditation stitching, I created a mini meditation block. It's one inch square! I don't usually work with anything that small.

Adding bits from my pile of possibilities
This is what I have so far.
Week 2 Challenge piece so far
This is my design board of hand-stitched pieces.

Design Board of hand-stitched pieces
What I learned
  • As you can see, I'm really enjoying doing hand stitching. It's so relaxing. I love my colourful hand-stitched design board.
  • Maybe one day I'll feel like putting some of these together for a finished piece.
  • What I love about Cas Holmes' work is that it's seems very intuitive. She really seems to be playing with collage, hand stitching and FMQ.
  • My piece doesn't have much of the collage aspect that she is so famous for... but I'm not done...we'll see 😊
Related Links
Linking parties
I will be linking this post to many fun linking parties found around virtual Quiltland. Let's see what's happening! Slow Sunday Stitching, Off The Wall Friday, Can I Get A Whoop Whoop?, Oh Scarp!, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, Midweek Makers,

Free Motion Mavericks

Thanks to everyone who linked up last time. It's so great to see everyone's projects, whether they are in the conceptual stages, quilt tops or finished. Did you see Dawn's finished Reach for the Stars that she made for the 2019 Rainbow Scraps Challenge (RSC)? It's really lovely.

Quilted by Dawn - Reach for the Stars
Now it's your turn!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. Oh oui, c'est petit ! J'aime bien ton espace de couture main ;)

    1. Merci Frédérique. C'est bon d'avoir un autre espace quand je ne peux pas travailler dans ma chambre à coucher (si quelqu'un dort!)

  2. Love your colourful board with all those gorgeous squares. I wonder what fabulous pretty you will imagine from these.

    1. Thanks Kim, It's great to see them - eventually my imagination will think of something to do with them :-) Thanks so much for dropping by.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Susan. I've now cut it in half and am making a larger piece. :-)


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