Thursday, April 30, 2020

Fun FMQ samples at Free Motion Mavericks

Hi and welcome to week 278 of Free Motion Mavericks. I finally have some free motion quilting (FMQ) to share with you as well as a Big Mandala finish. Yeah! 😊

Sample FMQ

After so much hand stitching and then quilting with my walking foot, I was getting desperate for some FMQ time!

I've been watching Angela Walters' latest FMQ Challenge on YouTube. She is doing some fun variations with the serpentine design, including a Plume Feather (links are in Related links below). I've been wanting to try the plume feather so this was the perfect opportunity. Here are my first three practice pieces.

Third Plume feather with a border

First Plume feather
Second Plume feather
within a diamond

FMQ the serpentine design is not my favourite, but again, now that I've practiced it, it's not so bad - and it is versatile, especially with the variations that Angela suggested.

Practicing the serpentine design and adding variations

The serpentine design with feathers and a lotus flower
All of the borders above, including the diamond outline were done with my FMQ ruler. It's getting a little easier to work with.

Big Mandala & April OMG finish

I made this improv pieced Mandala for the first week of the Project Quilting Quarantine. Since the rules were slightly elastic because there were no prizes, I posted it even if it wasn't quite finished. I just had some beading and final FMQ to add. This is also my April One Monthly Goal (OMG), so it needs to be posted soon!

BIG Mandala beaded

Details of the FMQ leaves in the last ring

What I learned

  • It was good to see improvements in my Plume feathers through the three pieces. 
  • I'm still struggling with the serpentine design. It seems that sometimes I get it and other times not so much.
  • Angela said that it's easier to do the serpentine design in a smaller space such as 3" - 4" rather than 5" - 6". She's right - it's easier to keep the shape in a smaller space, but still not easy for me. 
  • I took my finished picture of the Big Mandala before I FMQ the last ring. When I realised this, I went back to take more pictures but it was very blustery - so only the detailed picture has the FMQ on the last ring.

Related links

Linking parties
I'll be linking up to the April One Monthly Goal (OMG) Finish Link up as well as many other fun linky parties around the web. Let's go see what's happening and don't forget to link up to Free Motion Mavericks - it's not just about FMQ! Design Wall Monday, Monday Making, What I Made Monday, Off The Wall FridayFriday Foto Fun, Beauties Pageant, Oh Scrap!15 Minutes to Stitch 2020, Colour & Inspiration Tuesday,

Free Motion Mavericks

Thanks to everyone who linked up last time! There are some great quilting and quilting events to keep us productive and sane going on. Have you joined in any of them yet? Last link up Sandra of mmm! quilts had a lovely finish, even if she can't get it to her daughter quite yet. If you didn't see her Storm at Sea, go have a look!
Storm at Sea by Sandra of mmm! quilts
It's your turn.


  1. Your plumes look great and I love your mandala :)

    1. Thanks so much Janine. Hope you are keeping well.

  2. Lovely. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

    1. Thanks so much Patty for hosting. I didn't get around to coming up with an OMG for May - I guess it's time for a break! Take care.

  3. I’ve done that plume feather! Yours is awesome. Thank you for the shout-out!

    1. Thanks Sandra. It was a lot of fun. You sure deserve that shout-out! Take care.

  4. Hello Andrée, Oh the joys of out door photos! The mandala will look great on the wall in your sewing room. The practice FMQ looks good fun - just my sort of design.
    Love, Muv

    1. Thanks Muv, yes out of doors photos can be amazing...or not :-) I still have to make a sleeve before putting up the mandala. Life is just to chaotic right now, but should quieten down I hope. I'm wondering what I can do for Thursday's Free Motion Mavericks - it would be nice to actually FMQ! Take care.

  5. Beautifully colorful mandala! At least you tried and practiced the quilting steps, perfection takes time. Your efforts look pretty good. Happy stitching this weekend.

    1. Thanks Kate. Thank goodness I love to practice FMQ, otherwise I would never have gotten this far. It's great to have the practice pieces to remind me of what I need to work on when I quilt it again. Thanks for dropping by. Take care.

  6. I LOVE your mandala!! Fabulous!

    1. Thanks so much Angela. My daughter says that it's the piece that is most like me :-)

  7. That plume feather looks great inside the diamond. Love the mandala - something a bit different. :) Thanks for sharing at the Chameleon's Colour party.

    1. Thanks Dione. It's always about trying new things, isn't it? Take care and see you on your blog tomorrow!


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