Wednesday, November 22, 2023

T-shirt Quilt FMQ on Free Motion Mavericks

Hi and welcome to week 457 of Free Motion Mavericks. I'm still travelling so it will be a short post. Before I left, I finished  FMQ (free motion quilting) a few of the t-shirt blocks on the quilt. 

A Few More Blocks

I finished these three blocks. 

FMQ both the sashing and the t-shirts

FMQ feathers in the sashing and loops on the sweatshirt

I FMQ the sashing on the next t-shirts. I'll have to change my thread and quilt the t-shirts next. For these two t-shirts, I quilted stars in the sashing. I'll be FMQ something simple in the orange t-shirt and probably outlining the people and the logo on the Star Académie t-shirt.

Stars in the sashing

I'll be outlining the logo as well as the group of people

This next block includes parts of two different t-shirts from Garneau High School, I started with the bottom sashing and FMQ some athletic images that were easy for me to do - a badminton racket and birdie, a soccer ball, hockey stick etc. I was wondering how I would fill in all of the sashing with sports designs when I questioned that assumption. I decided that the other borders would have much simpler FMQ, a mixture of swirls and echoes. Next to the "G", I copied it and then FMQ over the tracing paper on both sides.
FMQ so far

The whole t-shirt block

What I learned
  • FMQ the sashing based on the colour is as good a way of choosing what to quilt next as any. 
  • I'll be quilting inside the t-shirts next or eventually. That will also depend on my mood, design ideas and thread colour.
  • I quilted loops on the sweatshirt but only FMQ around the pouch/pocket. Won't that make a great hiding place 😁
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Linking parties

Free Motion Mavericks

I may have messed up the linking party last week. I hope you'll be able to link up this week.😊


  1. You've made good progress on the T-shirt quilt. Hopefully you can get back to the sewing room this week.

    1. Thanks Kate, the quilt is going well. I haven't been home but hopefully I'll get back to it next week.

  2. Je n'avais pas vu de près tous les blocs, et j'aime que tu aies laissé les poches du sweat marron, et les emmanchures du t-shirt orange !
    Bon voyage ;)

    1. Merci beaucoup Frédérique. Tu aimeras aussi le "frill" sur le t-shirt avec les coeurs!

  3. That is going to be a fun T shirt quilt!!

    1. Thanks Alycia. It's finally coming together and will be ready to fly to Denmark next week!


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