Saturday, January 28, 2023

Stay At Home Round Robin

Hi! It turns out that resistance was futile 😁 I've been watching the Stay at Home Round Robin (SAHRR) for a few years now and I finally have a little bit of time to play along. I didn't post my centre block the first week because I wasn't sure if I would actually get further than choosing a centre block....but I did!

A cheerful centre block

I have no idea when I made this block but I love it. As soon as I found it, I knew what it would be my centre block for the SAHRR. It's all machine appliquéd. I'm happy to say that whenever I did this, I did a good job!😊

Round One - Spool Block

I've never done a spool block. Like Roseanne said, if you can make half-square triangles (HST) then you've got it. I didn't want my border to be too wide and I really didn't want to make too many blocks, so I cut one inch strips from the extra background fabric of my centre block and had just enough for four spool blocks plus enough to make each block three inches to match the width of my borders. 

There is no doubt that these little spool blocks are not very accurate but in the middle of a quilt, it won't show too much. I was happy to find some of the same green fabric that's in my leaf. I know that I don't have many scraps left of the fabrics in the centre block but I hope to find a few more to add to the quilt.

Round One - adding the spool block

What I learned
  • I'm happy with the way that I figured out how to make the spool block. I just wish that they had been a little more accurate but by the fourth one, I didn't care! What can I say, making several blocks is just not my idea of fun.
  • Since there are five more rounds, I should be able to make a lovely baby quilt.
  • I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone is making. I know that I will keep the blocks to a minimum but it will be a lot of fun!
Related links

Linking parties
I'll be linking up to many fun linking parties, including the SAHRR Round One link-up with Roseanne and Sue at Home Sewn by Us. Peacock Party, Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?, Finished (or not) Friday, Off The Wall Friday, Put your foot down, Patchwork & Quilts

This is definitely a DrEAMi!, even if it isn't finished yet :-)


  1. I hear ya. I cant handle much of making the spool block. Love your whimsical center block!

  2. I love the light-hearted feel of your quilt. The center is sprightly and the spools are cute.

  3. Hi Andree! You did a great job. That is a FUN center block. Don't feel like you need to make a lot of a block and you can always wait and see what the next prompt is. This project is going to be a fabulous baby quilt and I cannot wait to see how it progresses. You're doing great. Thanks so much for joining in and for linking up. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Magnifique début, il est très beau ton centre. Les bobines sont réussies, et avec le même vert que les feuilles, c'est un bel ensemble. Un joli baby quilt floral et doux !

  5. The centre block flower is so great. Love your colours.

  6. LOVE that center block, Andree, and those small spools worked well for cornerstones!

  7. So many have said they have never made a spool block, but look at you go! I can see why that center block makes you happy, it's so cheerful! Your spools look great, too!

  8. What a beauty to start with - and yay!! for still liking it haha! The spools look great around it!!

  9. Ha, what a great squirrel, so pretty! I really like your spools; mine are traditional.

  10. I am so glad you joined in, it is a fun round robin as it is all yours...and you get to do what you want with the prompts. Looking forward to seeing this one develop!


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