Monday, August 09, 2021

#100dayschallenge started

Hi! I started another challenge on Instagram - not really following anyone, just stitching my free motion quilted (FMQ) Improv piece to encourage me to stitch every day and to post a little more on Instagram.

Stitching on my FMQ Improv piece

As you may have seen in my last post, I am having too much fun collecting yarns and threads. I have to justify those purchases, so the least I can do is practice my stitching and play with these beauties. 

My new silk and linen threads

A little about the thread

Before I talk about the effects of the thread on the stitches, below are the different threads so that you can compare.

From the left:
  • Bengal linen in Indigo. It is very fine and so far I've used two or three strands.
  • Honest Yarn, hand-dyed lace linen in a light Indigo. It came in a skein so I prepared it so that I can more easily stitch with it. It's thicker than the Bengal linen, closer to a #8 perle cotton.
  • Bengal silk in Indigo. It not as fine as the linen but varies in thickness.
  • My hand-dyed thread - it's a thicker perle cotton - I believe that it's a size #5.
  • WonderFil size #8 perle cotton, which is slightly different in size from a DMC #8 perle cotton.
  • Another hand-dyed thread - it's a #12 perle cotton by DMC.

Comparing different size thread

Day 2 - Mostly Chain Stitch

It really has been a great education. The threads are so different from each other, and therefore stitch very differently. Here's a closeup of the first stitches so that you can see what I mean.

What a difference the thread makes in the stitches.

The first, outside chain stitches are made with the Bengal silk. Because it's not a consistent weight, it makes for a rather sloppy chain stitch. The second thread is the Bengal linen that I doubled. It's a better stitch but pretty tiny. The inside chain stitch is made with the lace linen. The stitches are much more defined and because of the thickness, it's slightly raised.

In between the chain stitching, I tried out two strands of the Bengal linen in marigold. There's a running stitch and a back stitch.

Day 3 - Couched Filling Stitch

My hexie lost a bit of it's angles as I stitched inside, so it looks a lot more like a circle in the middle. I used a couched filling stitch, so essentially I prepared a quadrant with the two strands of marigold Bengal linen and then made knots at the intersections with one strand of the Indigo Bengal linen.

Adding a couched filling stitch to the middle

What I learned
  • I really need to practice my embroidery stitches but I tend to get bored easily, so this is a great way to try things and compare the results. As well as keeping a record in this post, I'm also writing it down in one of my many journals. It will be a great reference.
  • I posted my Day 1/100 on Friday and then managed to forget to post on Saturday, even if my information was all ready to go. It's going to take a little bit of time to get used to posting again.
  • I'm a little bit ahead so that if I don't stitch every day, I'll still have a post ready to go...if I remember 😊
  • As I found out, Bengal silk thread is not good to use in stitches that are more even. I did use it in a backstitch for the new version of "All for One". In this case I didn't mind that the stitches would be uneven. I should be posting it soon - it's almost done and looking much better!
Related links
Linking parties
I will be linking up to many fun linking parties. Let see what's going on out there!


  1. You have quite the collection of lovely threads there. Love what you have done with the hexie. The chain stitching looks great. Love all the different colours you have used.

    1. Thanks so much Kim. It's been really enjoyable. Wait till you see my latest hexie. You'll love it :-) I'll post this weekend. Take care.

  2. Bon challenge pour toi-même, c'est une bonne motivation de poster ton avancée chaque jour. Ces fils sont vraiment superbes, et j'aime beaucoup les points que tu as fait ❤️

    1. Merci bien Frédérique. Jusqu'à date, c'est plutôt un challenge de poster sur Instagram chaque jour. Je travaille sur ma piece à toutes les deux ou trois jours pour être capable de poster chaque jour. :-) A bientôt!

  3. This is a great challenge. Those threads are beautiful and I'll look forward to seeing more of your stitching :)

    1. Thanks Janine. So far I'm really enjoying the process and the results :-) Take care.

  4. c est tres joli j aime les couleurs, les points. merci pour votre partage..


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