Friday, July 16, 2021

Trying to get from fine to great!

Hi, it's been a while. I haven't been motivated to do much of anything except a little bit of gardening. I thought that it might be time to try to kick motivate myself out of my funk. So here's a project that I've been working on. Unlike most projects where, whether it's good or not so good, I try it once and move on, I'd really like to get this one, not just fine, but great! 

Version 1

My daughter took this picture of our "All for One" pose with her, Chevy and me. I've been thinking of how to embroider it - so this is my journey 😊

All for One

I wanted to embroider this image onto a denim coloured cotton fabric. I wasn't sure how to proceed. In this first version, I tried a couple of new techniques.

All for One - version 1

The first new technique was to mount the background fabric onto the frame of a painting canvas (8" x 8"). First I removed the canvas for the frame. Then I pinned the fabric over the frame with tacks and used the frame as an embroidery hoop. This works well if the image doesn't go anywhere near the edges of the frame. The back of the frame is much wider than an embroidery hoop, so it's difficult to stitch near the edge of the fabric.

Close-up of All for One

I started by tracing the photo onto tracing paper. For the stitching, I followed Sue Stone's suggested technique: to stitch directly through the tracing paper with the fabric underneath. I used a stem stitch of 3 or 4 strands of embroidery floss. When I finished stitching the outline, I carefully ripped off the tracing paper.

I did a little bit of filling inside the image. I even used some fluffy yarn to stitch part of Chevy's coat.

I'm not crazy about my stitching. I'm not sure if it's because the stem stitch is looser after having stitched through the paper and fabric or from pulling the paper off. The awkwardness of stitching using the frame can also account for some of it.

What I learned

  • I think that a tighter stitch would be better.
  • Sue Stone uses a backstitch, so that might have made a difference.
  • I'm not sure that I want to have just an outline or to add something extra as a fill.
  • What I'd like to try next:
    • Use a background colour that is more skin tone.
    • Use a different stitch.
    • Stitch more details such as shadow.
    • Possibly add a sleeve or two, to add texture. It's also possible to add appliqué but I don't think that I'll do it in the next version.
  • I really like having my piece finished on a frame like this, but this time I'm going to embroider it as usual and then cut and tack it to the frame after it's done.
  • I've always had problems with the corners when adding fabric to a canvas. However, after taking the canvas off of the frame, I saw how they cut and folded it. I highly recommend that you do this if you want to figure it out.
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  1. Your post came just at the right time for me. I've been contemplating creating fabric art mounted on 8" x 8" canvases to sell at an open studio I am having in November. I've been struggling to figure out different ways of either wrapping the fabric OR painting the canvas. Removing the canvas first to understand the folds is genius.

    1. Hi Gwyned, I hope that it works for you. Once you remove the canvas you'll see how they fold it on. It really is a great idea. Take care.

  2. Oh I like where this is headed! and what a great pic to work from!

    1. Thanks so much Alycia. I'm now working on the second one, which is almost the same as the first but with better stitching, since it's what my daughter wanted. I also got to play with silk and linen thread, which are really fantastic. Take care.

  3. You have a great start on it already. Sometimes you amaze me with your creativity. Thank you so much for linking up to Put your foot down last week.

    1. Thanks so much Denise. I'm glad that you have a great linking party. I haven't written that many posts lately, so hopefully that will change soon. Take care.

  4. Hello Andrée,
    That picture is so sweet! Chevy knew exactly what to do. Also it reminds me of when my son was a toddler and we tried to teach him to say "all for one and one for all". He changed it to "all for one and two for you."
    I totally understand the problems with frames, but totally worth it to prevent the fabric ending up looking creased and raggedy.
    Love, Muv

    1. Thanks so much Muv. Yes Chevy knows All for one as well as High 5! Anything for treats :-) That is such a great story. Thanks for dropping by. Take care.


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