Thursday, May 27, 2021

May's OMG and Free Motion Mavericks

I didn't manage to sandwich the quilt, but when I read my One Monthly Goal (OMG) for May, it stated " My OMG for May is to finish piecing Version 2.0 of my Mother's Quilt to my Son". So thank you Patty for keeping us motivated! My OMG for May was achieved!

Piecing Version 2.0

There isn't much to tell except that when I came to prepare the back I found that I didn't have enough fabric 😒. This is why I tend to work with scrappy quilts - you can't really run out of fabric! This isn't a pretty picture but I just wanted to show everyone that it was pieced. Hubby was kind enough to hold up the quilt for me in the only space we can see it all.

Version 2.0 is pieced!

What I learned

  • What can I say....figuring out how much fabric I need shouldn't be beyond me but oh well.... Thank goodness that it's Kona Cotton so I was able to order another 4 meters. 
  • It took me a while to figure out how wide I wanted the borders to be. The quilt, without the borders, is slightly smaller than the original. I ended up adding 6" borders at the bottom and top, and 8" borders on the side. This will make the quilt roughly 80" x 95". 
  • I wanted the quilt to fit on a queen size bed if need be.
  • I've ordered the fabric from Sew Sisters in Toronto. It should be here today or tomorrow.

Related links

Linking parties

I'll be linking up to Patty of Elm Street Quilts' Finish link up for the May One Monthly Goal as well as other fun parties. Let's see what's going on...and remember to link up to Free Motion Mavericks below. 

Free Motion Mavericks

Welcome to week 333 of Free Motion Mavericks. I really don't like picking just one quilt to feature, so this time I've decided not to! 

I want to highlight Turid from Norway's finished black and white improv quilt, Punk. I had to laugh at the dinosaurs helper! You can see the whole quilt on her post.

Turid's quilted improv quilt and her dinosaur helper!

Here is Gail's quilt - that FMQ is pretty impressive. This quilt is her entry for the Island Batik Blog Hop. 

Gail's Island Batik Blog Hop quilt

Kathy of Kathy's Quilts was in the process of FMQ her Sister's Scrap Challenge quilt with wavy lines and loops. She was having lots of fun and trying to make her deadline!

Kathy quilting her challenge quilt

I hope that you will link up to this week's Free Motion Maverick's party.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Thank you Andrée for featuring me. I had so much fun together with the dinosaurs at the beach.

    1. Hi Turid, you're quite welcome. I really love your improv quilt and the small pops of colours!

  2. What a striking top. I fear I could not get a flat top with all those big pieces, cutting them must have been challenging.

    1. Hi Chris, it was extremely challenging and it's not that flat, but I'm confident that the FMQ will do it's job!

  3. That is such a cool and very masculine quilt! Yay for Sew Sisters; I got Kona, well I've got lots of ha fabric from them, great service!

    1. Hi Sandra, yes Sew Sisters is great. I got my fabric and it's the wrong colour... it was a 50/50 chance. Oh well, the backing will be two shades of maroon :-) Take care.

  4. Boy I really like Version 2.0 - it is very modern and unique!!

    1. Thanks Alycia. I'm so glad that it's almost over....the FMQ doesn't count cause that's the fun part :-) Take care.

  5. Great job on that quilt. Looks so complicated in the bigness of the pieces...but maybe that is the illusion of piecing!

    1. Thanks Kathleen - no illusion. It was quite complicated to piece because I didn't have a pattern, just a finished quilt that my mother had fudged a lot (lol). I ended up making quite a few more pieces so that I could add triangles and avoid inset seams. It's not that I mind them, just that I would have had to fudge even more! Take care.

  6. Great quilt top! Thanks for linkup up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

    1. Thanks Patty and thanks so much for the great OMG party! Take care.

  7. I like this top. It feels like map. I am interested is seeing how you will quilt it, an all over design or each section?

    1. Hi Sylvia, I'm going to FMQ it with designs that represent my son's interest and life. The original quilt was hand-quilted by my mother (his grandmother), with images of friends, books, math symbols, etc. I'll be consulting him on some of the designs. I'm really looking forward to it. Thanks for dropping by. Take care.

  8. Bravo, il est magnifique ! J'ai hâte de voir moi aussi comment tu vas le quilter, il va y avoir plein de détails, super !

    1. Merci bien Frédérique - mon fils va aussi me donner des idées pour le quilting. Je n'ai pas encore fini le stitch-in-the-ditch. Mon excuse c'est la chaleur dans mon avec un gros quilt sur moi, ce n'est pas facile :-)

  9. It's always annoying to be short some fabric. Very dramatic quilt top!

    1. Thanks Kate - I agree but unfortunately this is something that I'm quite good at :-)

  10. That looks great, I'm sure your son will be very happy with the replacement.


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