Thursday, August 06, 2020

FMQ the first star on Free Motion Mavericks

Welcome to Free Motion Mavericks, Week 292. Based on my last Free Motion Maverick's post, I chose one free motion quilting (FMQ) design for one of the 6 star blocks in the Pinwheels and Stars Baby Quilt. 

First Star Block FMQ Designs

The first star design with curves is done!
Star with curves

So let's go back a little. Here is the image of the FMQ design I chose. 

A curvy FMQ design that isn't too difficult

Although this design has several components, taken one at a time, they are not that difficult. It just requires some planning and practice.

I started with the feather/lotus design on the white background. I can now draw these fairly well and even - but it did take a lot of practice.

The next part was the thin loops along the star points. It's taken me quite a while to get these to be thin. I tend to make them too wide. The centre petals are a little tricky because they are not supposed to overlap. When I quilted them, I started with the ones that go to the corners of the square. Once these are done, it was easier to gauge the width of the petals going between the start points.

Drawing the design with a Fixion pen 

Star with curves - it's done!

View from the back 

What I learned
  • I'm going to have to start working on these posts before Wednesday if I'm going to FMQ the other star designs. Many of them will require practice - both by drawing and by FMQ. 
  • I've been debating introducing another colour of thread to FMQ within the star. That would help the quilt look more cohesive if I end up doing what I plan - which is to FMQ with coloured threads in the white wholecloth or centre part of the quilt. 
  • Well I did FMQ the star with a green thread. I think that it went very well.
  • I'm happy to say that I followed my plan for FMQ the star and it worked! I did the quilting this morning, early (for me), before I had a coffee. I took it very slowly. I'm very happy with the results.😀
Related links
  • Planning to Quilt Stars on Free Motion Mavericks, July 23, 2020
  • The FMQ design was inspired by this image by GF Quilts on Flicker
Linking parties

Free Motion Mavericks

Thank you to everyone who linked up last time! I always look forward to seeing what you've all done!
Last time, Vasudha of Storied Quilts linked up her Containment quilt. It's got a great story and will be featured in the book called Quarantine Quilts: Creativity in the Midst of Chaos, due to come out in 2021. If you didn't read about it, get going (after you link up!)😀

Containment by Storied Quilts

Now it's your turn.


  1. Oh yes I really like that design and would love to use it but I'll never remember it because I don't make very many stars. I'm struggling right now trying to decide how to quilt my Tree of Life. Thank you for the linky party, I'm glad i finally have something to share again.

    1. Thanks Denise. That's the hard part about seeing things on the internet - trying to find it again if and when you need it! Good luck with your Tree of Life! I'm really looking forward to seeing it finished. Take care.

  2. Your star design came out great! I'm especially impressed that your quilted version looks BETTER than your sketched version -- with me, it's the other way around, unfortunately!!

    1. Thanks Rebecca, don't be so hard on yourself. The reason it looks good is because I've been practicing for years, and I wasn't quite awake, so I went really, really slow and actually FMQ better than my lines on the fabric. Your quilting is wonderful and it will keep getting better. Never doubt it!

  3. Very pretty quilting design!

  4. I like the way you quilted the star. I can't believe I never thought of using a Frixion pen to mark quilting lines. Thank you for sharing how you sketched your lotus design, it probably would never have occurred to me.

    1. Thanks Katie. Just be careful with Frixion pens - if your background is dark (especially on solid or almost solid colours) you may see the shadow of the line. As they say, you are best to test it first somewhere, then iron it off and see if you can see anything. On a busy fabric, it's not usually a problem. Take care and thanks for dropping by.

  5. Joli motif, et ton quilting est très réussi ! Changer de couleur de fil peut être une bonne idée... À suivre !

    1. Bonjour Frédérique, je crois que le blanc m'ennuie :-) Je veux être brave - éventuellement le quilting va être en première place dans le milieu, donc je devrais peut-être m'habituer! Bonne semaine.

  6. Beautiful quilting Andree. I really need to move on to designs other than meandering and straight lines.

  7. Great job on the FMQ! It's interesting to read your What I Learned section--a little more insight into what's going on!

    1. Thanks Nancy. If I don't take the time to reflect on my learning, I will never get better. And of course having it in writing, if I do forget, I can always look back to previous posts.
      Take care.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Janine. Now if I can get to the others :-) Take care.


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