Monday, July 20, 2020

Ciboulette Stitches finished

It's done! My project for Sue Stones' Stitch Club 2020 is finished. I really enjoy the time that I have to stitch.  

Ciboulette Stitches 

Here it is! I'm really happy with the finished project. I had planned to only have one flower but it really needed more, so now there are three.

Ciboulette Stitches finished!
Here is a close up of the flowers.

Close up of Ciboulette flowers 

My model for the chive flower comes from my front garden. It hasn't received much attention but I love  that the chives grow without my effort - my favourite kind of plant 😊
The Ciboulette model

This project was a lot of fun. It took me a while to come up with the woven background that I liked. 

These was my first choices of strips. I then exchanged the darker fabric for the batik. I also played around with the order of the strips and finally chose the one that I'm using.

My first choice was with
this dark fabric
I replaced the dark strip with a mauve batik

I wasn't sure if I was going to just embroider the chives or appliqué them. I ended by cutting pieces and then drawing around them. 
I cut some chive pieces from fabric and then drew around them. 

What I learned
  • Getting the strips organised for the background was fun but not as simple as I thought it would be. I just wanted to ensure that there was some light spaces where the chive flowers would be.
  • I considered appliquéing the chives but since the exercise was in stitching, I ended up stitching everything. I'm glad that I did.
  • I bound the piece like a traditional quilt but I was hoping to leave the front woven strips loose and then just bind the back and batting. I hope to try that out the next time!😊
Related links
Linking parties

Project details

Ciboulette Stitches
7¾" x 10¼" 
Materials: cotton strips, perle cotton and embroidery floss.
Techniques: weaving and embroidery 


  1. Your finish is lovely! I've enjoyed following on this project's journey.

    1. Thanks so much Miaismine. it was a lot of fun to make - I really hope to make some more one day. I love making the woven background. Take care.

  2. Ooh, this turned out so well Andrée! I like seeing the different backgrounds you did and understanding why you chose what you did.

    1. Thanks Sandra, it was a little more complicated than I expected but I'm really happy with the results. Take care.

  3. Super cute mini, Andree!! Your fabric weaving made for a very interesting background. Stiching the plant, as opposed to applique, made for a more delicate finish. Well done!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad that I decided to give stitching a try. It's funny how we tend to go towards what we know. I was just wondering if an outline of a chive plant would be good enough - and I guess it is! Take care.

  4. I agree - the three flowers makes is more balanced. I really love that flower too!!!

    1. Thanks Alycia. I seem to have a fondness for round flowers like chives and clover. They are so perfect! Thanks for dropping by and take care.

  5. Andree, your Ciboulette Stitches is gorgeous. Love how you fashioned the woven background from different strips of fabrics and love the large quilting stitches. Your embroidered chives are as pretty as a picture. This mini is indeed lovely.

    1. Thanks you so much Kim. I'm really happy with this mini - it's gone some of my favourite flowers (which is edible...always a plus!) and my favourite colours. Thanks for dropping by and take care!

  6. Well, it sounds like you had fun and learned something, so I'll call that a win. Thanks for linking to TGIFF!

    1. Thanks Lisa, it really was a win kind of project! Thanks for hosting the TGIFF! Take care.


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