Thursday, February 06, 2025

PQ 16-3 Common Blocks & Free Motion Mavericks

Hi and welcome! I hope that you're hibernating in your studios and playing with fabric 😊. It's a great way to cope. I've also read books and listened to many audio books - my way of coping when fabric isn't enough. 😉 Let's talk about lovely stuff and fuel our creativity.

Common Blocks

This week's theme for Project Quilting is Common Blocks. I might have been disappointed in the theme if I hadn't been totally immersed in block construction for SAHRR. Since I'm on a roll, I might as well keep going.

Common Quilt Blocks wall hanging 

I used the beautiful hand-dyed fabrics that were gifted to me a while back by now-retired textile artist, Elaine Quehl. I was lucky to inherit bags of the fabric she took to workshops when she was teaching. Elaine was surprised that I was still playing with these. I think that I'm probably good for a couple more years. 😍

Three common blocks - friendship star, nine patch and pinwheel

I chose these blocks because I made 8 half-square triangles at a time and then figured out how I could use them! I also wanted something that was very common and also easy. I find that if I can make the HST then sewing them together is not too difficult.

Quilting the blocks that were to be turned into a journal cover

My blocks are pretty good but unfortunately I wasn't as careful with adding strips as I was piecing the blocks. In my quilting universe, wonky is more than fine! I was going to turn these blocks into a journal cover but last night, after quilting the piece, I just had no patience to keep going. I ended up using the pillowcase method to add a backing, even after quilting it with its own backing. 

Quilting on the envelope/pillowcase back

Stitching the edge of the whole piece and then going back to add a few quilt lines to the blue fabric in the front made the new backing more than secure. 

You can see on the photo that I used many easy FMQ designs, from squiggly lines, loops and twists (I call them fj because that's what you're writing in cursive!) to feathers. 

When I showed my daughter the placemat, she was thrilled and asked if she could hang it on her wall. I agree with her that the fabrics look so great together. I'm glad when my colour instincts work! 

February's One Monthly Goal (OMG)

I'm working on many projects. Some will be finished very soon (like my "Snow Happens" wall hanging) and others are scheduled to be finished at the end of March (the two SAHRRs). There is a quilt that doesn't need much work finish, but unless it's elevated in priority, it could languish for months. Therefore, my February's OMG is my Floral Fusion wall hanging, the quilt a-long hosted by Denise at The Quiltery.

Update: I've almost finished my Floral Fusion wall hanging but didn't get it done in February since my daughter hopes to paint her room and wasn't sure which colour I should use to bind the quilt. It's get done as soon as I know...and I'll be posting it when it's finished. 

Floral Fusion just needs a little more FMQ and a binding!

What I learned
  • I enjoyed making these blocks based on the 8 HST that I had made.
  • Since I was going to make a journal cover, I needed the piece with the three blocks to finish at 14" x 10". Since my friendship star block was 6", I added a few borders. For my 4" nine patch and pinwheel blocks, I ended up adding strips of fabric between and around them. Unfortunately, I didn't trim both blocks to the same size - that's why they are slightly wonky! I don't know why I thought that this would work... I would say it was the fatigue talking.
  • No wonder I wasn't up to making a journal cover. I could have waited a day or two, but I want to make more blocks for the SAHRR, so I really didn't want to spend more time on this piece.
  • Did you notice that the photos of the piece are taken both as a placemat and in a different direction as a wall hanging? It's my daughter who turned the placemat around and frankly, it looks much better in that direction.
  • I'm so glad that my daughter wants this on her wall. It'll look great over her new desk!
Related links
Linking parties
I'll be linking up to many fun linking parties, including Project Quilting, Challenge 16.3 and February's OMG. You may want to check some of them out, as well as those linking up to Free Motion Mavericks below! Monday Musings, Design Wall Monday, Sew & Tell, Needle & Thread ThursdayPut your foot down, Off The Wall Friday, Finished (Or Not) Friday, Beauties Pageant, TGIFF, Patchwork & Quilts15 Minutes to Stitch 2025, Oh Scrap!,

Project details

Made for Project Quilting's 16.3 Challenge - Common Blocks
Size: 14¼" x 10½"
Materials: hand-dyed fabric
Techniques: piecing, free motion quilting, walking foot quilting and envelope/pillowcase finish.

Free Motion Mavericks

Welcome to week 518 of Free Motion Mavericks! It was a productive week! Thanks so much for linking up. Here are the projects from last week that included FMQ, ruler work or walking foot quilting. 

Melva of Melva loves scraps has been using her pink scraps. She made these two lovely pink baby quilts...but the scrap bin doesn't seem to be getting any emptier!

Melva's two pink baby quilts

Gail used a mini charm pack to make a lovely bag. The fabric and supplies got moved around a lot on her quilting table, so when she got tired of moving it, it got done! 

Gail's lovely quilted bag

It's now your turn!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Really pretty wall hanging. Wonky is fine in my world, too. Those hand-dyed fabrics are beautiful.

    1. Thanks so much Danice. It was a pleasure to make and those fabrics really make it special!

  2. Good luck with your goal. Your placemat colors are gorgeous together.

    1. Thanks Anne-Marie. I didn't make it this month, but only because my daughter didn't know which colours I should use to bind it. I'll have better luck next month! I'm really happy with those colours - they weren't an obvious choice so I'm glad that it worked out!

  3. I like your Common Blocks entry. Love that Floral Fusion.

  4. I too like your common blocks entry. Your daughter has a good eye for staging and your color sense is wonderful!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  5. Bravo, le challenge est très réussi ! En bonus c'est l'occasion de tester une méthode, et de faire plaisir à ta fille !

    1. Merci Frédérique - c'est toujours une priorité de faire plaisir à ma fille :-) Je n'ai pas essayer le PQ de la semaine passée. Je suis heureuse de voir que je sais comment dire "c'est assez!" Bises

  6. I think your common block entry is great and hey, there's nothing wrong with wonky! I'd say asymmetrical by design! LOL Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings.

    1. Thanks Brenda, asymmetrical is a great design element!

  7. That will look great on your daughters wall :)

    1. Thanks Janine. Now that we'll built her desk, it's ready to go up!

  8. Ohhh such a great wall hanging!! those color are amazing together!

    1. Thanks Alycia - aren't those colours amazing? I would never have thought of them...they were just in my huge hand dyed scrap bin!

  9. Your colors for Project Quilting turned out beautifully! Good luck with your OMG for Feb. How did it get to be halfway through the month already?

    1. Hi Kate, thanks! My OMG didn't get finished since my daughter wasn't sure which colour that I should bind it with. That's ok - it'll get done when she's ready to hang it! And now the month is almost over!!!


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