Thursday, September 26, 2024

A bit of this and that and Free Motion Mavericks

Hi and welcome. It's been a week filled with all kinds of things - from starting a new class to Poppy sitting and everything in between. I don't have much to share and I'm sorry that I'm late but life happens 😊.

Joyful Embroidery with Fleur Woods

I'm getting ready to embark on a wonderful learning journey with a class through Fibre Arts Take Two. I've been looking at their courses for a while and Fleur Woods' class caught my eye. I do love embroidery, appliqué and collage, so I think that it will be a good fit.

Of course I needed to create a new journal to keep my notes in 😁. This new cardstock was just the thing to use and so cheerful. I made a simple Lay-Flat Notebook with French Link Stitches based on Chanel Ly's book, Handmade Books at Home. I also used the end of the cardstock for writing my notes on how to make the book. 

Joyful Embroidery course journal

My notes on making the Lay-Flat Notebook
with French Link Stitches

I've watched most of the introduction modules of the course so I hope to start stitching soon!

More Almost Daily Stitching

After watching those course videos, I really wanted to embroider, so I made a few more blocks on my almost daily embroidery piece. Sometimes I try a new stitch and sometimes it's just playing around. I try not to think too much about it, otherwise I won't stitch anything.

In the square on the right, I tried woven chain stitch to make the leaves of the flowers. I made a couple of them facing the wrong side and the flower looks more like a person. I may have to play with that.

A couple of fun embroidery blocks

I also had a lovely picnic supper with friends of our Bodacious Book Club. It was lovely to chat with friends, even a little bit about the book 😄, sharing a nice meal and watching the sunset over the Outaouais River.  

A picnic supper for book club and a lovely sunset

Ontario Culture Days at the Arbor Gallery

On Saturday three of the artists who participated in the Outdoor Art Exhibit took part in a community event. I learned to make twine with fabric strips. These were then attached to a hoop. It makes for a lovely yard art piece. Of course, I got home and kept making twine so I hope to have a hoop in my backyard soon.

A Twine Hoop made at a Community Art Event

Finally as I mentioned, I've been Poppy sitting. What a sweetheart! 

Poppy with Rocky Raccoon!

What I learned
  • I'm hoping that next week with be quieter but somehow I doubt it.
  • As long as I get in some quality time in the studio, then all will be good 😊
  • I did get a couple of molars out this week, and I really hope that I'll regain some energy - infections can take a lot out of you!
  • So far Fleur Wood's course is interesting. I'm sure that you'll be hearing a lot more about her in the coming weeks.
  • The end of the month is fast approaching. I'd like to make a dark neutral placemat for my son for September's Table Scraps Challenge. 
Related links
Linking parties
I'll be linking up to many fun linking parties. You may want to check them out. Monday Musings, Design Wall Monday, Sew & Tell, Midweek Makers, Put your foot down, Needle & Thread ThursdayOff The Wall Friday

Free Motion Mavericks - 500th post!

Welcome to week 500 of Free Motion Mavericks! Yes, that's 500 weekly linking parties, started by Muv of Lizzie Lenard Vintage Sewing. Muv has been taking a break so I'm happy to keep it going. Come and celebrate 500 with me!

Thank you all for linking up. Here is the project from last week that included FMQ, ruler work or walking foot quilting. 

Preeti of Sew Preeti Quilts made another lovely quilt - this one for Island Batik's Adventurous Appliqué Blog Hop. It's called Bloomtown. You'll want to read Preeti's post to see how she pieced and appliquéd her blooms and leaves. It was very innovative. Be sure to check it out!

Bloomtown by Preeti

It's now your turn 😊Sorry, it would seem that I forgot to copy my's now your turn!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. I'm intrigued by the Take Two course. I look forward to seeing what you do!

  2. Hi Andree! I don't see the link-up!!! ??? It might just be me ???
    The rope hoop looks interesting! Can't wait to see yours when it's done.

  3. Ooh, both that sunset and the puppy would make great collage picture quilts! For the puppy, I recently watched a workshop where Timna Tarr explained her "Pieced Mosaic" technique --- it would work well for that one!

    Had come to link up for "Mavericks" but am I too late since there's no linky? Will link over at "Put Your Foot Down" in the meantime.


Hi! I would love to hear from you and I will try to answer you. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a message. :-)