Thursday, February 24, 2022

Filling in a couple of strips on Free Motion Mavericks

Welcome to week 370 of Free Motion Mavericks. I managed to put in a few hours of Free Motion Quilting (FMQ) on my son's Version 2.0 quilt this week. 

Bird feathers and playing cards

This week I choose to FMQ a couple of the easier strips on my son's quilt. This first one is a strip of bird feathers. They are a part of the quilt that symbolise his First Nation ancestry. It was difficult to FMQ plain bird feathers because as a quilter, feathers are always so much more elaborate.

FMQ Bird feathers

In theory the playing card strips were easier but in practice, let's just say that I had to take out the seam ripper for a couple of the spades! I know, it's really just an upside down heart - but my fingers and mind just were not playing well together! 😊 After the second time I ripped the same spade out, I decided to draw them using a Frixion pen. They do leave a tiny echo on the fabric, but barely noticeable and certainly better than badly FMQ spades!

Drawing them in

Final result - after using the seam ripper

I also finished the weather strip that I had begun on the last Free Motion Mavericks' post. 

Finishing the weather strip from last time

What I learned
  • To get ready to FMQ bird feathers, I searched the internet and found a couple of very interesting posts by Lori Kennedy about quilted feathers - and not just the usual quilty feathers. I've included the links below - you may want to check them out. One day I will make these for myself!
  • I feel more confidant FMQ this large queen size quilt. I'm getting used to ensuring that there is no drag to keep me from quilting properly. I'm also getting better at slowing down (mostly!)
  • I realised that I need more light when I'm quilting it - so I moved my table light to a different angle so that I can better see beneath my sewing machine. That also made a difference.
  • I've been working on the different designs for the quilt and will be doing some research to figure out how to best FMQ my ideas.
Related links

Linking parties

I'll be linking up to many great parties this week! Remember to link up your posts below! Put your foot down, Needle & Thread Thursday, Patchwork & Quilts, Off the Wall Friday, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, 15 minutes to sew 2022

Free Motion Mavericks

Thank you for linking up last time. Quilting Gail had a secret quilt that she was finally able to share with us. Her quilt was in the Island Batik catalogue and she was able to show us the quilt, now that the fabrics are available in stores. If you didn't see her quilt, make sure to check it out! 

Check out Quilting Gail's beautiful batik quilt!

It's now your turn!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. Joli quilting, ces formes ne sont pas faciles à faire à main levée ! Le stylo est une bonne idée pour le coup ;) Je n'en suis pas encore au quilting, loin de là, je lie l'avancée de mes blocs à ta link party. Bises !

    1. Bonjour Frédérique, merci d'avoir lié tes blocs au linking party. J'essaie de garder le FMQ simple car je ne suis pas très bonne avec le dessin. J'ai hâte de travailler sur les autres motifs. Bonne semaine. Bises!

  2. You are moving along on the quilting. I love the card quilting, those are really fun motifs.

    1. Thanks so much Kate. I've been really enjoy FMQ on it lately (thank goodness cause it's far from finished! :-))


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