Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Pinwheels on Free Motion Mavericks

Welcome to week 282 of Free Motion Mavericks. I'm now in the process of free motion quilting (FMQ) my Pinwheels and Stars Baby Quilt.

Pinwheels and Stars Baby Quilt

On my last Free Motion Mavericks post, I had just been doing some stitching-in-the-ditch around all of the blocks. I took my time and since the background fabric is white, there was usually white fabric to stitch around so that the thread didn't show up too much. I know that I could use invisible thread but I really want to learn to get better, not just hide my mistakes. Overall, I'm quite happy with the results of this FMQ so far.

Quilting-in-the-ditch to outline the star

Quilting-in-the-ditch is done
and it's ready to FMQ
Picking a FMQ design 

Now comes the hard part - what design to use?

My first question is: do I want the FMQ to be circular /curvy, or angular / straight? Since the piecing of both the pinwheels and stars is angular with half square triangles (HST), do I want to emphasize this or create contrast by adding curves? I can, of course do both but it would need to be consistent throughout the quilt.

My second question, applies to the pinwheel blocks: do I use a separate design for each HST or an overall design?

I guess my third consideration is purely practical - how much effort and time do I want to take to FMQ the pinwheel blocks, given that they will be secondary to the centre piece.

I quickly looked at my FMQ journal but decided that I would check the internet for "fmq designs for pinwheel blocks". I got an interesting variety of images. I drew variations of some of my favourites:

FMQ curves within the block

Assortment of FMQ lines that could be used in the block

Overall designs that can be used
Choosing just one design is beyond me at this time (fuzzy brains don't like making decisions).
Since there are 7 sets of pinwheel blocks within the baby quilt, I could FMQ each set of blocks differently. I think that as long as each pinwheel is treated the same within each block, that this should give it enough cohesiveness. I can only hope 😊 Let's face it, no matter what, it's bound to be a cute baby quilt - so I'm going for the practicing with variety option.

Here are the two sets of pinwheels that I FMQ this evening.

I chose to FMQ spirals around this first batch of pinwheels, mostly because they are the worse constructed ones. My problem at the time wasn't piecing bur rather trimming. I'm hoping that the spirals won't accent the problem.
FMQ spirals in each pinwheel block
FMQ spirals in each pinwheel block
This second design is from Angela Walter's video, Three Ways to Machine Quilt Pinwheel Blocks. In this block, she creates a tiny pinwheel in the white background fabric and then adds extra lines to highlight the mini pinwheels. In the coloured triangles she uses a dot-to-dot design to add two wedges inside them.
Mini pinwheel shape in the background triangles
Adding a mini pinwheel shape in the background triangles
What's on for the week
  • I've signed up for the Stitch Club and have just accessed the Facebook page. I haven't done this week's workshop yet, so I'm hoping to get that going so that I don't fall behind.
  • I also want to work on my Traveller's Blanket. Here is my last post. I've done a little bit of work on it, including making a couple more meditation stitched blocks.
  • Finally if the fuzzy brain lifts a little, I have a niece who is waiting for her curtains 😊
What I learned
  • Am I over thinking the design for the pinwheels? Probably. On the other hand these images will be pasted into my FMQ journal so that I'll have a number of choices for the next time.
  • Full disclosure (as they say), one of the reasons I'm going with a variety is that the design I like the best is the one that I almost always I'm going to try out other things. When I've tried them out, we'll see how they turn out and if my favourite is still the same😊.
Related links
Linking parties
I'll be linking up to many fun parties. Let's see what's going on out there! Midweek MakersNeedle & Thread ThursdayPut Your Foot Down, Finished or Not Finished Friday, Friday Foto Finish, Can I Get A Whoop Whoop?, Peacock Party, Monthly Favourite Finish with Meadow Mist DesignsMonday Making, What I Made Monday, Design Wall Monday, To Do Tuesday, Colour & Inspiration Tuesday,

Free Motion Mavericks

The party wasn't big last week but we had some wonderful link-ups. Thank you! As the instructions for the link-up states, the first person who links up from a new country gets a special mention and their country is added to the list. So, a big welcome to Turid from Norway. She finished a FMQ dinosaurs quilt for her grandson. As you can imagine, he was thrilled! If you didn't catch the post last time, here's the link!

Dinosaurs Quilt by Turid
It's your turn now!


  1. J'aime l'effet de la spirale, très joli. Et ce motif d'Angela est très réussi, il met bien en valeur les pinwheels !

    1. Merci bien Frédérique. J'aime bien les deux motifs. J'ai hâte d'essayer les autres :-) Prends soin de toi même!

  2. Good choice to do different FMQ in the pinwheels, though I'd suggest from past experience not to get too crazy as it won't show like it does on solids. I like the spirals and you can never go wrong with Angela's designs. :-)

    1. Thanks Sandra, I agree, I've often spent lots of time FQM on pretty fabric where I can hardly see it. Most of these designs are pretty simple, which is why I chose them. Variety will help me stay focused. So far I'm really impressed with both blocks. Take care.

  3. The quilting so far looks great! Hopefully you are getting a better handle on what works and what you like more. Happy stitching this week.

    1. Thanks so much Kate. I just finished two more pinwheel blocks. I did what was easiest today. Thanks for dropping by!

  4. look at all those fun choices! this will be a great finish!

    1. Thanks Alycia, it's been a lot of fun and two more pinwheel FMQ designs are up today!

  5. Hello Andrée, love those pinwheels! You are right - it's hard to tell at this stage which quilting looks best. I like both!

    1. Thanks Muv, these are a lot of fun. Just finished then next two!

  6. Oh wow, this is the one I have been waiting to see. Saying I love this quilt is an understatement, I just cant find the right word. The FMQ is looking great. I'm anxiously awaiting this finish.

    1. Thanks Denise. I just posted two more! I'll be linking up later today :-)

  7. Hi Andree! As I was reading your post, I was mentally saying add some spirals to imply the pinwheels are spinning. I think you did a great job - all of your quilting looks wonderful. I am wondering what you're going to put in the center? You could do some ghost stars and pinwheels. Anyway, thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Hi Roseanne, so far for the middle I'm thinking pinwheels and flowers.... but what ever I decide, this one will be planned since I decided to use coloured thread (yikes!)

  8. Sounds like this will be a terrific reference quilt. I'll be interested to see if your favourite sticks, or whether you get a new favourite(s). Either way, you will get a heap of valuable experience and a finish. Thanks for sharing at the Chameleon's Colour & Inspiration Party.

    1. Thanks Dione, I'm really happy that I chose this way to quilt it. It's a lot of fun and readers seem to like it. I just finished 2 more blocks - so I'll come visit again tomorrow!

  9. Thank you for featuring me. But I'm not from Sweden, but from Norway.

    1. Hi Turid, I'm so sorry. I got it right in the country list but managed to mess up the intro. I just changed it.


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