Wednesday, November 27, 2019

An Epic Bow Tie Neutral Quilt Finish

I'm almost glad that it was raining today because I found the best place ever for the Epic Bow Tie Neutral Quilt's photo shoot!

These were taken this morning at Parks Canada Place in Gatineau Quebec. I was lucky that it was decorated for Christmas and fairly quiet.
Draped quilt lounging around
Are we ready for Christmas yet?
Enjoying the decorations - do I spy a reindeer?

A closeup lounging shot
The lovely folded quilt pose

Finally we need to have the full view shot.
The Epic Bow Tie Neutral Quilt
Here are some of the FMQ designs that I used.


What I learned

  • I used a quilting ruler to make the straight lines within the snowball. It took me a while to get the hang of it and then I decided to try to just "eyeball" it - and it worked well. It did go better when I turned the quilt around so that I was quilting towards myself. I can FMQ in all directions when I'm quilting a curly design, but I found it much harder for a straight line. 
  • I really love the sun design. I'm sure that I could adapt it for other sizes.
  • It was good to use just a few FMQ designs, although I have to admit that I did get bored with those straight lines.
  • I used silk batting for this quilt - it FMQ so beautifully!
  • I bought more fabric to add extra light fabrics for the background but I used only one of them since the others were too yellowish. I'm going to keep an eye out for beige fabrics since they're not easy to find.
  • If I were to do it again, there are a couple of fabrics that I used as background that I wouldn't use since they were too close in value to the lighter brown fabrics in the snowball. 
  • I used a scrappy binding. My only rule is that the fabric in the binding cannot be the same as the block next to it. I've made that mistake once and I have learned from it!
  • I just love the look of a freshly washed quilt. The texture is just so beautiful. I'm glad that I waited to take pictures until I had washed it. Now I just need to add a label and my friend will finally get her quilt. 
Related links
Linking parties
I will be linking this baby to Free Motion Mavericks as well as the November One Monthly Goal (OMG) finish link up. 😊 Colour and Inspiration Tuesday, Midweek Makers, Put your foot downTGIFF, Friday Foto Fun, Design Wall Monday, What I Made Monday, Monday Making, Colour and Inspiration Tuesday, To-do Tuesday,

Great news! The Epic Neutral Bow Tie Quilt was featured on Susan's Midweek Makers! Thanks Susan :-) August 20, 2020: Show Me Something Free Motion Link Up

Project details

Epic Bow Tie Neutral Quilt
Pattern by Jen Van Orman from Make Modern (Issue 22, May-June 2018)
47" x 59"
Technique: piecing
Material: cotton, silk batting


  1. the quilt looks so nice nestled away in the Xmas decorations

  2. Magnifique ! Ton quit est très beau, et dans un superbe décor en plus ! J'adore cette association de tissus neutres, ton amie va être contente !
    (pardon, j'avais fait une faute, d'où le post précédent supprimé)

  3. Beautiful quilt! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  4. Great quilt and thanks for linking up to TGIFF! I love a great finish and this sure is one.

  5. I think neutral quilts will never look dated or go out of fashion. What a great finish!

  6. Now that bow tie quilt really talks to me. I used to make bow ties as leader enders. I've made a ton of charity quilts with that block. But, I haven't done any recently. Time to get back to them, um, er after I finish some of my started projects!

  7. This is so pretty, I love the neutral colors.

  8. Hi Andree! These are my colors - a whole quilt of gorgeous neutrals. Beautiful! Your quilting looks gorgeous as well. What a nice variety. I have an issue going in certain directions when using a ruler and yet I can FMQ in any direction. I don't have any idea why that would be. Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. Beautiful finish, and great job on the quilting!

  10. Hello Andrée,
    Congratulations on the finish! The neutrals have a lovely calming effect, and make you look hard at the fabrics. There are some really pretty prints in there.
    Love, Muv


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