Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Embroidery, Hexies and Art in Florence

Here is my final travelling post from Italy. I didn't have time to work on my hexies very much, except on the train between Venice and Florence. We just had too much to see and do, or I was just too tired :-)

Embroidery in Venice

I wanted to take my favourite jeans with me to Venice but they have holes in them (on purpose). I decided to patch them up with some of my hand-dyed fabric but didn't get a chance to finish them before my jeans were packed with embroidery floss :-) It's a work-in-progress. I've added to them when I came back but I'm still not quite finished!
Embroidered jean patches - a work-in-progress
Wearing my patched jeans
in Venice

Hexies in Florence

I did get a couple of hexie flowers done on the train to Florence because I really wanted to take pictures of them there 😊. That little pouch I made in June, "Selvage Love" from Make Modern magazine, really came in handy for travelling. Everything fit into it for my EPP.

Putting together some hexie flowers on the fast train to Florence
I took this photo in one of the many cafés where we stopped to rest and use the facilities.
Hexies at a café
This scene looks like it could be taken in Provence, but Florence is in Tuscany.

Blue hexie with lavender

A lovely scene at a café in a Florence square
I couldn't resist taking this photo with the Arno River in the background, even if I had to try a few times - it was quite windy.
Everything is sculptured, even the lamp posts!
I wish I could tell you who made all of this art (that's my daughter's strength!) This was at the foot of a whole area of statues called the Piazza della Signoria.

A little hexie admiring the amazing art in Florence
Kingfisher Stitch-Along
A few Kingfisher blocks

I even had time to work on a few blocks for my Kingfisher Stitch-Along quilt. It's coming along nicely since I worked on it when I got back and was sick. It was very restful to work on when I had the energy.

Stitching on the train

Art and beauty in Florence

I looked for images of textile work in art but didn't find many.

This is part of a fresco of the "Madonna sewing and the Child playing" by Giovanni Di Tano Fei (1405-1410). It is located in the museum area of the Basilica of Santa Croce.
Madonna sewing and the Child playing
This is a representation of the moon. I believe that this art piece is located in the Opera del Duomo Museum.
Representation of the moon
We had to try the vin brulé in the outdoor market outside of the Basilica of Santa Croce. It was wonderful.
Vin Brulé in the outdoor market
This is the Arno River and the Ponte Vicchio. This photo was taken from a window of the Uffizi Gallery. I took a lot of photos of statues in the Uffizi Gallery. I want to use my own photos whenever I incorporate images of statues in my art.
Arno River and the Ponte Vicchio

What I learned

  • I have so many photos of art, texture, patterns etc. that it was very hard to decide what to include in my post. As I create art from any of my photos, I'll make sure to include them into the posts.
  • Although I love art, I have to be honest and say that there is only so much art that I can look at without getting it was really great to look for specific things as I looked at all of this art in Florence. For instance, I looked for art, like the "Madonna sewing and the Child playing", that incorporated textile work.
  • In the complex that makes up the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, I found some great patterns that reminded me of quilt blocks. I spent some time in the Baptistery examining some great patterns on the walls. Then, while my daughter went to an art exhibit that I knew I wouldn't appreciate, I spent some time drinking beer and making possible sketches for an art quilt. This trip with my daughter was truly amazing, steeped in culture, amazing food and art. 

Related links

Linking parties
I will be linking this posts to some great link-ups. Check them out and see what's happening! Midweek Makers, Let's Bee Social, Friday Foto Fun, Can I Get A Whoop Whoop?Silly Mama Quilts - WIPs, Needle & Thread Thursday, Off the Wall Friday,


  1. what a dream! Love the hexie shots, I have a pic of a hexie teacup tomorrow. I embroidered my jeans in high school... wish I had them now. LeeAnna

    1. Hi LeeAnna, it was a dream - and loads of fun taking hexie shots :-) I really like embroidering the jeans and have others to do!

  2. Les hexagones ont voyagé aussi ! Belles photos, et beau voyage visiblement ! Bonne et heureuse année !

    1. Bonjour Frédérique, les hexagones voyagent très biens! Merci et bonne et heureuse année!


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