Saturday, March 15, 2025

Reclaiming Fallen Feathers

Hi and welcome! Today is a special post for Project Quilting (PQ) 16.5, "Follow Your Arrow". This little FMQ (free motion quilted) piece recalls Icarus' flight.

Free Motion Mavericks for March 20th
Please note that I'm not able to host Free Motion Mavericks this week, so the linking party is below.  Hubby was operated but is doing quite well. Thanks!

Note: It would seem that I'm still having problems with dates and time 😒- the PQ 16.5 closed last week! So please enjoy this post. I did link up to the Project Quilting Facebook page. 

Reclaiming Fallen Feathers

The PQ challenge theme was "Follow Your Arrow" and the Table Scraps Challenge colour for March is yellow. My thought process: arrow → feathers → bird → Icarus

Reclaiming Fallen Feathers

On a very bright piece of yellow hand-dyed fabric, I used a FriXion pen to draw the bird and the fallen feathers. Then I thought of Icarus and drew in the sun. Finally I added the arrow. 

Reclaiming Fallen Feathers on my outdoor carpet

I took out the black thread and free motion embroidered the bird, filling in the area with black. Then came the feathers. I FMQ tiny feathers in the shape. I did the same with the arrow.

Switching thread, I used a lovely variegated orange to pink King Tut thread for the sun. Yellow wouldn't have shown up!

Another view of Reclaiming Fallen Feathers

It was then time to finish it off. I repurposed a scrap strip of blue backing and batting left over from my blue scrappy quilt and used the pillowcase method. Once turned right-side out, I stitched the edge with a very light yellow thread and to FMQ around the embroidered sections. I added some vertical waves to highlight the falling feathers and then an arrow head pattern to give the arrow mouvement.

What I learned
  • I wanted this piece to be as easy as possible. I had all kinds of complicated ideas and gave them a firm pass! Yay for me 😃
  • I found the yellow fabric, checked out pictures of flying birds and discarded most of them as too difficult for me to FMQ. I then settled on the image of a flying gull, something that even I can draw!
  • This was probably one of the fastest pieces that I made, mostly following my intuition. Thanks intuition! 😍
  • Once I started the piece, I was done in a couple of hours. Wow!
  • I must admit that after I finished drawing the piece, I went on Wikipedia to make sure that I had the story straight. I'm happy to say that I remembered correctly (well at least one version of it!)
  • It's funny how I usually start with complicated ideas that I often (but not often enough!) simplify.
Related links
Linking parties
I'll be linking up this post to many fun linking parties, including Project Quilting Facebook page, Free Motion Mavericks and the March Table Scraps Challenge when it opens. You may want to check some of these out! Put your foot downOff The Wall FridayFinished (Or Not) FridayBeauties Pageant, TGIFF, Patchwork & Quilts,

Project details

Reclaiming Fallen Feathers
created for Project Quilting 16.5, Follow your arrow
Size: 6½" x 5½"
Material: hand-dyed fabric, thread
Techniques: free motion embroidery and free motion quilting

Free Motion Mavericks

Next week I'll do a recap of the last two weeks. Please link up below.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Progress on the Small Blue Scrappy Quilt

Hi and welcome. I didn't spend much time in my studio but I did finish FMQ (free motion quilting) my child-size blue scrappy quilt. It had been a while and I had forgotten how much I love FMQ! 😍 

FMQ a scrappy quilt

I started this quilt in mid-February and it was my blue February Table Scraps Challenge quilt. Now it's my March One Monthly Goal (OMG) and it will be finished! Just the binding left to hand-stitch. I don't have a picture of the fully quilted quilt - I FMQ the scrappy columns and then the blue fabric strips at the bottom. So, you'll have something to see other than the binding on 😁

Blue scrappy quilt on the snow!

In a child's quilt, I didn't think that there should be birds without heads, so I FMQ the heads of the birds at the top of the fabric strip!

Birds with their heads stitched on!

Below you can see some of the FMQ designs. I was really trying to keep the designs flowing, so as many wavy designs as possible. In the background between the two bottom strips, I FMQ a flower, a bird (possibly a chicken!) and feathers. You can also see on the bottom edge that I FMQ circles, apples and pencils (the only non-curvy design). I drew a line with a FriXion pen an inch from the edge and then FMQ the designs. I'm happy to say that where I did that, you can see the full design even with the binding on.

The bottom FMQ background has trees, a car, a race car, more trees and a house.

FMQ fun designs in the background

In the image below, you can see the vertical stitching in the two background pieces.

Details of FMQ

I just thought that I would show you a close-up of the chicken and how the colour of the quilt changes with the inside light. The actual colour is between the outside and indoor pictures. It's a teal.

Close-up of the chicken, flower and feather

Kawandi-style mat

There is progress on my Kawandi-style mat. As I may have mentioned, I sewed the scrappy fabrics together before stitching it. I took this picture last week on the train to Toronto for my semi-annual eye exam. I'm happy to say that all is good. 😊

Kawandi-style mat,  now about 2/3 finished!

I wanted to share these gorgeous tulips that hubby bought me...well, I picked them up with the groceries but he paid for them, so he bought them!😉 Today it feels like Spring might be coming. I am always hopeful and it helps when the sun is shining and the snow is melting.

Tulips....maybe Spring will come one day?

And since I'm Poppy sitting, here she is! Of course I'm disturbing her eating for a photo and she's not amused!

Poppy - interrupted in her eating

What I learned
  • When it's been a while that I FMQ, I tend to forget which designs I can do and use. I have a FMQ journal with most of the designs that I've used. It comes in very handy. All I have to do is practice them a couple of times on paper (sometimes more!) and I'm usually ready to quilt.
  • I also looked in my PDF quilting books. I've included Lori Kennedy's book in the Related links but I didn't need to refer to her book since most of her designs are in my FMQ journal! 
  • I wanted to take an outdoor picture of the back of the quilt, but it had wet spots from the snow after I took the photos of the front! I'll try to remember that for the next time.
  • The Kawandi style mat has even kept me busy when we went back to emergency to get the results of my hubby's MRI. It's good to have something to keep busy. We're waiting to hear from a specialist but hubby is feeling a little better.
Related links
Linking parties
I'll be linking up to these fun linking parties. You might want to check some out! Monday Musings, Design Wall Monday, Sew & Tell, Put your foot down, Needle & Thread ThursdayOff The Wall Friday, Finished (Or Not) FridayPatchwork & Quilts,

Free Motion Mavericks

Welcome to week 522 of Free Motion Mavericks! It was a productive two weeks! Thanks for linking up while I was away. Here are the projects from the last two weeks that included FMQ, ruler work or walking foot quilting. 

Pat of Scrapbox Quilts finished two Bear Hug quilts. # 5 is blue and yellow and quilted using a Natalia Bonners orange peel template while #2 is pink and brown FMQ with very large swirls. They are so gorgeous😊

Pat's blue and yellow quilt with orange peel quilting
Kat's pink and brown quilt with large swirls

Sharon from Ms. P Designs shared with us a colourful Star Party Sampler quilt. If you go on their website, you can see how each block was FMQ

Sharon's Star Party Sampler quilt

Next we have Kat of Scrapbox Quilts who re-did the binding after trying a new technique that didn't quite work out. She originally FMQ her Mod Flower quilt and also used rulers.  

Kat's Mod Flower quilt 

Here is Melva's finished Hanna-land quilt for her grandchildren. It's a wonderful quilt and a mat for playing a game. That should be well loved!

Melva's Hanna-land quilt

Preeti linked up with her Miracle Fish quilt which she made as part of the Sunlit Garden Blog Hop. The quilt looks wonderful in the kids' playground!
Preeti's Miracle Fish quilt in the playground

It's now your turn.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Putting together the Cowboy quilt and other updates

Hi and welcome back! I couldn't wait until Thursday to post these updates since I wanted to make the Table Scraps Challenge and my March One Monthly Goal (OMG) deadlines. As well, I'll be out of town for a few days and have extended last week's Free Motion Maverick's party for a week. Please keep linking up there 😍

Planning the Cowboy panel 

This is what the Cowboy panel looks like so far. I have just one block left to make.

Cowboy panel so far

After the kite block, I knew that I wanted to make several appliqué blocks. I found this lovely free children's pattern, Home on the Range (see Related links below). It's got lovely appliqués of a cowboy hat, boot, cactus and horse shoe. Perfect! I dipped into my hand-dyed fabric and found everything I needed. Here are the three blocks I made.

Cowboy hat and boot

Two cacti

Horse shoe with horse and dog

I didn't add any borders around them - I'll wait and see how things look as I put the quilt together. I've decided to add a very narrow medium brown border around the panel and then use a slightly lighter brown around the blocks. This way I can add whatever spacer I need to make the blocks fit. 

Here's what those fabrics look like on my design wall.

Proposed narrow border
and spacer fabric

February's Blue Table Scraps Challenge
and March's One Monthly Goal

I started playing with blue scraps in early February in anticipation of the TSC. I got to a piece about 24" square before it was no longer fun (it's good to know our limits! 😁)  I had no idea what to make - I have enough placemats etc. and didn't want it to be complicated. I settled on a baby quilt (as opposed to a cuddle quilt) since I have a baby quilt to FMQ for our guild. That reasoning doesn't make as much sense to me as it did back then, but oh well....

Here it is. It's coming along well.

Blue baby quilt so far

After doing the stitch-in-the-ditch, I FMQ some wavy water lines at the top of the quilt. I also hid a few fishes in the water.

I then quilted the outside background area of the top part of the quilt. Then I FMQ between the blue scrappy line areas. It was a lot of fun 😊 I'm hoping to add a few hidden images in the FMQ, like the fish. That will make the quilt more interesting for the recipient. 

A closeup of the FMQ area

The back of the quilt - stitched-in-the-ditch and FMQ

What I learned
  • I've had a lot of fun making the blocks for the SAHRR and I don't want to stop - otherwise I'll end up with two more UFOs! 
  • I'll be working on the Cowboy panel first since it's going to a cute little boy who is growing very quickly!
  •  I have no idea how large it'll be - it will be as large as it needs to be!
  • I do want to get the Christmas panel quilt pieced by the end of March. It probably won't be quilted for the final SAHRR party....but you never know! Life could get boring again! 😂
  • I didn't think that I could get bored stitching scraps together so it must be that it was all one colour and one large piece.
  • I cut the scrappy pieces and added the strips between the turquoise background. Since it's scrappy, I was able to add small pieces to the ends of the strips to make them a little longer. 
  • I don't often worry about the size of my scrappy quilts but this is supposed to be 36" x 40" since it's for the guild. That's considered a child's quilt.
Related links
Linking parties

Thursday, February 27, 2025

SAHRR Week 6 and Free Motion Mavericks

Hi and welcome. It's a very short post today - just too many things on the go and not much stitching to share. 
Update: I'll be travelling the first week of March, so I've extended the Free Motion Mavericks linking party by a week. Please link up 😍

Week 6 - Kite block

I didn't really find any methods that I wanted to use to make the kite block so I did a stitch and flip. It mostly worked. Too bad my math wasn't quite right.

This is the first kite block that I made since it was the closest fabric at hand 😁. I made each quarter using the stitch and flip method, starting the stitching line at 1" at the wide part, going down to ¼" from the end. It worked out really well.

Kite block - starting the stitching at 1"

This is the second block I made - starting the stitching at 1½" from the edge. It made it wider. It does waste a lot of fabric but I'm working with scraps so I really don't care. You have to stop clinging to those scraps eventually! 😂

The only issue that I had is my math - my calculations made a 6" block instead of 6½" . I forgot to take into account that each quarter has to have an extra ½" . Darn. I was so proud - but it's not a problem. When I put all the blocks together, I'll just add a border or something. As you can imagine, my blocks are not all 6½" so there will be a lot of setting borders happening. 😉

Kawandi style neutral mat

I mentioned in an earlier post that I'm making a Kawandi style mat with neutral colours for my niece. I'm probably about a quarter done. There was stitching done during the hockey game and then as I listened to some training.  I love it!

Kawandi style neutral mat

I'm writing this post at my son's place, while Poppy sitting. Here's our girl!

Poppy 😍

What I learned and updates
  • When I don't have much to share on the learning front, I'll add "updates" to this section.
  • As  I mentioned above, I'm really happy with my stitch and flip version of the kite block. I just wasn't in the mood for foundation paper piecing so this was a great compromise. I figured that if it didn't work out, that it could be a wonky version, but I didn't even have to do that!
  • I've decided to make only one kite block for each panel.
  • Now I'm working on finishing my blocks for both panels. I figure that I have 4 more blocks to make for the Cowboy panel and 6 more blocks for the Christmas panel.
  • I've started making appliqué blocks for the Cowboy panel. I found a free baby quilt pattern that had cool cowboy related appliqué blocks and I'll be using those. I'll link up to the pattern when I'm done.
  • Two of the blocks will include the shape appliqué as well as fussy cut appliqués of animals. That will be very cute!
  • I haven't really thought about the extra blocks for the Christmas panel but it will include at least one bird appliqué block.
  • I started quilting-in-the-ditch the blue scrappy baby quilt that I'm making for the February Table Scraps Challenge. I'm assuming that the linking up party will start on Friday but I'm hoping to have the weekend to finish most of it. I'm really looking forward to FMQ it.
    Sneak peek at
    Blue Scraps
  • I also want to FMQ Poppy's mat but she's probably not visiting for a couple of weeks, so I have time (right, like she'd even notice!)🐶
  • Thanks for your kind words and wishes for hubby and me - we're probably off to the emergency this afternoon since it looks like it's a disk problem.😔
Related links
Linking parties

Free Motion Mavericks

Welcome to week 521 of Free Motion Mavericks! It was a very productive week! Thanks so much for linking up. Here are the projects from last week that included FMQ, ruler work or walking foot quilting. 

Quilting Gail took part in the Runner Up Blog Hop. This featured a runner made using one of the rulers that they received, as well as Island Batik fabric. I couldn't resist the picture with her grand dog.  Gail quilted the runner using the Silly Moon Rocket ruler and meandering.

Gail's grand-dog guarding the bench...or runner?

Preeti of Sew Preeti Quilts created a runner called Crystal Pendants. It's also reversable!

Preeti's Crystal Pendants runner

Preeti's Crystal Pendants runner - the other side!

Kat of Scrapbox quilts made a Little Blu Bear Hug - her 4th bear hug quilts. It's so sweet. Kat used her walking foot to quilt it!

Kat's Little Blu Bear Hug

Here is the mini quilt - Little Blu Bear Hug by Kat

Donnalee quilted a very cute placemat, the first of four - fabric chosen by her husband. 

Donnalee's first of 4 placemats

Gwyned quilted this amazing piece, Pond Life, for Project Quilting 16.4. Her densely FMQ is so fun! You'll want to read the post for her inspiration.

Pond Life by Gwyned

It's now your turn! The linking party is open for two weeks. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

SAHRR Cowboy Panel Update

Hi! I hope that you are well and enjoying the weekend. We've had a lovely quiet day so since I had a bit of time, I was able to add three blocks to the cowboy panel and write this short post😊. 

Cowboy panel blocks

As you may have seen in my last post and around the internet, week 5's block is a half or quarter log cabin. I made a quarter log cabin block and then realised that I had made two of these last week as insert blocks. In the image below, you can see on the right the three quarter log cabin blocks. One has two cows with dots while the other has a horse and then another cow.

Thirteen blocks made so far

Since I love them so much, I made a real log cabin block to change things up. It's so much fun featuring interesting fabrics in the middle.

A real log cabin block with Canada geese

A quarter log cabin with polka dot cows

Then I decided to make another insert block that doesn't look like a log cabin. This is one of my favourite fabrics so it's great to have another block with horses. It was also a great way to add the gray fabric into another block.

Insert block with my favourite horse fabric

So far, here's what's happening:
  • Week 1: 2 Art Square blocks
  • Week 2: 1 Friendship star block (with HSTs) and 1 framed fabric block
  • Week 3: 2 Nine patch star blocks and 1 framed pocket block
  • Week 4: 3 Insert blocks, but two are more like Quarter Log Cabin blocks
  • Week 5: 1 Quarter Log Cabin block, 1 Log Cabin block and 1 Insert block
It's difficult to know how each week's blocks will related to each other since we only find out on Monday about the upcoming week. That's ok since blocks can fit in more than one categories. I figure that I have another 5 blocks to make to go around this panel. I'm really looking forward to Monday to see what our last block is.

I don't have much to add about what I learned so I'm going to leave this post as is, except to include Related links and linking parties. 

Related links
Linking parties
I'll be linking up to many fun linking parties, including Brenda's Week 5 SAHRROff The Wall FridayFinished (Or Not) Friday,  Patchwork & Quilts

Thursday, February 20, 2025

SAHRR - Week 5 and Free Motion Mavericks

Hello and welcome 😊 With any luck the snow has stopped coming down for a while. ❄❄❄❄❄ I'm not sure where we'll be putting it if more comes our way. Enough of's what's been happening in my studio this week!

Week 5 of SAHRR

This week I started with the Christmas bears panel since it was on my design wall. The block was chosen by Brenda of Songbird Designs. It's the half or quarter log cabin. The log cabin block is one of my favourite blocks to make because it's easy! It can be wonky and still look like a log cabin 😁.

Christmas bears panel after week 5

Can you spot the two quarter log cabin blocks? Here are close ups.

Quarter log cabin block, in green fabrics,
at the top of the photo

The other quarter log cabin block, mostly in yellow and blue

I've been trying to use some of the fabrics that I previously used to make the quilt more cohesive. The blocks will be re-organised, and I envision a thin plain border around the panel - we'll see!

So far, here's what's happening:
  • Week 1: 4 Art Square blocks
  • Week 2: 2 Fairy Floss inspired blocks (HSTs)
  • Week 3: 4 Friendship star blocks
  • Week 4: 3 Insert blocks
  • Week 4: 2 Quarter Log Cabin blocks
That's a total of 15 blocks to date. I figure that I need another 7 blocks to go around the panel. There's one more week to go. After that I'll make whatever blocks I like, either repeats or new ones. It'll depend on how I feel. 😊

What I learned and Updates
  • You all know about "best laid plans..." Hubby was injured a couple of weeks ago and it would seem that shoveling and going from his office in the basement to our room two flights up has aggravated the problem. Thank goodness he's very self sufficient, but there is a limit! I am hoping that doing all those stairs a few times a day will help me 😉
  • I haven't tackled the second panel yet but hope to on the weekend.
  • I did work on February's Table Scrap Challenge - I played with blue scraps and made a baby quilt. I'll be showing you that soon. I figured I may as well make a child's quilt (36" x 40") for donating through our guild since I took a child's quilt to FMQ for them. That will be two finishes soon.
  • I talked about making a small Kawandi style mat for my niece. I made it quickly so that I would have something to stitch while our friends and hubby were watching a hockey game. I don't want to offend anyone but I really don't like sports.
  • Finally I have a small placemat sewn up to place under Poppy's water dish at home. Going through my scraps, I found a bag with my doggy fabric, so Poppy will have her own placemat. 🐕 It just needs to be FMQ.
  • I shared with you my first Poppy placemat but it wasn't quilted at the time. Here is the final version.
Poppy's water bowl mat 

The back of Poppy water bowl mat

Lots of snow - thank goodness Poppy
didn't see anything to chase after!

Related links
Linking parties
I'll be linking up to many fun linking parties, including week 5 of SAHRR. You might want to check some out and link up below. Monday Musings, Design Wall Monday, Sew & Tell, Put your foot down, Needle & Thread Thursday, Off The Wall Friday, Finished (Or Not) FridayTGIFF, Patchwork & Quilts

Free Motion Mavericks

Welcome to week 520 of Free Motion Mavericks! It was a very productive week with lots of link ups! Thanks 😍. Here are the projects from last week that included FMQ, ruler work or walking foot quilting. 

Donnalee has finished her king size bedspread, pillows, shams and runners. She did quilt some of it and it all looks really great!

Donnalee's new bedroom textiles

Gail of Quilting Gail shared with us her collection of Valentines quilt that she's made over the years. Here is one of them. Check out her post for many more!

One of Gail's Valentine quilts.

Sandra of mmm quilts has two lovely quilts to share with us! The first one was created for Project Quilting 16.3,  common blocks. This quilt is called Seacliff Beach and has three blocks pulled from one of Eleanor Burn's books: Jewel box (EQ calls this Hourglass), Schoolgirl's Puzzle, Peace and Plenty. Check out Sandra's post for more details!

 Sandra's entry for PQ 16.3, Seacliff Beach

Here is Sandra's Jasper quilt for her cousin who lost her home in the wildfires in Jasper last year. The quilt includes a grizzly bear as well as mountains, trees and the aurora borealis. You'll want to read more about this quilt in Sandra's post.

Sandra's Jasper quilt

It's now your turn!