Wednesday, January 13, 2021

FMQ the Earth on Free Motion Mavericks

Happy New Year and welcome to my first Free Motion Mavericks' linking party of the year (week 314). I hope that you are a doing well so far. I've been doing a lot of slow stitching but did find time to start work on the centre panel of the Pinwheels & Stars baby quilt.

Earth as seen from space

In late fall, I finished FMQ the pinwheels and stars on the baby quilt and the next step is to FMQ the centre panel - in colour! 😨😊

This is a very rough plan.

Out of this world plan for the centre panel

I found a lovely image of our world as seen from outer space and traced over it on tracing paper. Since there is no way to use a light box through a quilt, I FMQ over the tracing paper. It worked very well. 

FMQ on top of the tracing paper

I outlined the green parts of the Earth first. The rest is essentially water and clouds, so after quilting the land, I removed the tracing paper because the clouds could go anywhere. I FMQ the clouds that are over the earth in white and those over the ocean in blue. 

I don't think that it's finished yet, but there will be lots of time to play and add more stitching along the way, if that's what I decide to do. With a white background, it's difficult to really show the colours of the land and the amazing blue of the oceans. I feel that it might be better to wait to see what the rest of the centre looks like before adding more details to the Earth.

The outline of Earth

Since there isn't much to see in the centre yet, I'm going to let Chevy distract you from the quilt 😊

Chevy putting up with another picture

Next step

The next step will be to add the Moon and a rocket. I drew an image of the moon on some tracing paper and added shadows (based on an image in National Geographic). I think that it should probably be smaller, but what's the fun in that?

Moon drawing on tracing paper

What I learned
  • It's really too early to see if the image of the Earth will be ok, but I have to trust that with a whole bunch of other things in the centre, that it'll be fine - and if it isn't, I'll just add more stitching!
  • Stitching over the tracing paper worked very well. I highly recommend it!
  • I'll have to do my homework and find a rocket that I can draw. 
Related links
  • Last post on Pinwheels & Stars Baby Quilt
Linking parties
I will be linking up to many fun linking parties. Let's see what's going on out there! Monday Making, Colour & Inspiration Tuesday, Midweek MakersNeedle & Thread Thursday

Free Motion Mavericks

With a short break at Christmas, it's been a while since I last hosted Free Motion Mavericks. Considering it was posted on Christmas Eve and open through the holidays, we had a fair number of link-ups. Thank you!

I just have to highlight Rebecca's "My Mission Impossible Quilt" which was accepted to QuiltCon. What wonderful news just before the holidays! If you haven't see it yet, you really need to check it out!

Rebecca Grace Quilting

Now it's your turn.


  1. Thanks for the feature, Andree! :-). And now here I am, feeling guilty about linking up my computerized E2E feathers on my mom's quilt... But the sampler blocks I'm working on are begging for some ruler work, don't you think? Your idea for thread painting the image of the Earth from space is so original -- I've never seen anything like that. I can't wait to see how it all comes together. Happy quilting!

    1. Thanks so much Rebecca. I'm glad to have you link up - and if you're only comfortable linking up when you do ruler work and FMQ, then that's ok. Well, the next Free Motion Mavericks is almost upon us, so I had better get started for the next post. Take care.

  2. I linked a quilt I made that has the universe quilted into it. Spacemen , all the planets around our sun, the Challenger, the Death Star, a sattalite, spacemen, the Enterprise.Click on the photo and you can then see the quilting. Love your idea of using tissue paper!

    1. Thank you - I love your FMQ on your quilt. It gave me some great ideas. Now I have to get going for this week's link up. See you soon and thanks so much for dropping by and linking up! Take care.


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