Wednesday, July 01, 2020

July is here!

I can't believe that July is already here. It must be Canada Day because it's really hot and muggy in Ottawa. It may get lively in the burbs today as people who usually head to Parliament Hill stay home and have small parties. I watched a few fireworks from my studio last night - that was a treat. 

Happy Canada Day!

Fireworks in July (2015)

I thought that I had only made one other Canada Day quilt, but when I looked at my old posts, it turns out that I made quite a few Canada minis for Canada's 150th in 2017. I must have forgotten them because I gave them all away except for my Canada 150 Art Quilt.

Canada 150 - Beaver block
designed by Sew Fresh Quilts

Canada 150 Logo
Designed by Dana Szucs Hayden of SeaSew

Sergeant Sesquicentennial block
from Quilting Pleasures

Canada 150 Art Quilt

I hadn't planned on doing a Canada Day quilt show but here it is 😊

What's on this week
  • I'm working on all of my hand stitched projects right now (Meditation blocks, Traveller's Blanket and the Community Stitch Challenge - Week 2 Re-do [I need a better name for this one!]).
  • This week's Stitch Club 2020 is hosted by Sue Stone. We are making a woven background with stitching. I'm really hoping to get most of it done by Friday. If you're wondering, "ciboulette" is chives - but it sounds so much nicer in French!
Ciboulette Stitches in progress
What I learned
  • I was pleasantly surprised by my collection of Canada Day minis. In 2017 I hosted several months of linking parties for Celebrate - Fêtons 150! It was great to look at those posts again - I also remember how much work all of this took but I really enjoyed it. 
  • It even had it's own page and button!

Related links
Linking parties
I'll be linking up to Free Motion Mavericks since it's Muv's turn to host it this week. Make sure that you link up also - no need to be doing FMQ to link up! Let's see what everyone is up to - check out these fun linky parties. To-Do Tuesday, Colour & Inspiration Tuesday, Monday Making, Midweek Makers, Put Your Foot Down, Needle & Thread Thursday, Off the Wall Friday, Peacock Party, Can I Get A Whoop Whoop?, Finished or Not Finished Friday, Friday Foto Fun, Slow Sunday Stitching, Oh Scrap!, 15 Minutes to Stitch 2020

For our neighbours to the south, I hope you have a fun and safe Fourth of July!


  1. Hi Andree! How fun that you found/recalled your Canadian-themed quilts. I often underestimate how many of a certain type of quilt I've made. The blog is a great place to keep track and to nudge your memory. Thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Thanks Roseanne. If it wasn't for my blog, I wouldn't remember most of what I've done - there is so much, and so much has been given away. Thanks for the linky party - I actually have plans...and the mini woven piece is almost done!

  2. This is a wonderful collection of quilts. I hope you had a very happy Canada day :)

    1. Thanks so much Janine. It was a good one although all indoors this year!

  3. Your Canada themed quilts are so lovely. I do love the fireworks one. Hope you had a wonderful Canada Day.


    1. Thanks so much Soma - even my son was impressed! And it was a good day.

  4. That beaver mini is adorable! Happy Canada Day!

  5. I like your Canadian Mounty. So cute!

  6. Your projects in your header are so beautiful – especially your angel (?). Your Canada mini quilts are amazing! My favorites are the Canada 150 Logo and the Sergeant Sesquicentennial block. It reminded me of a show I watched that took place in Canada. Thank you for sharing your beautiful projects!

    1. Thanks so much Miaismine. It's good to be able to show these off every few years - I guess I'll have to make another one one day. Take care.

  7. A good reason to keep documenting our projects on our blogs.....the best place for a review!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Caryl, it's one of the big advantages of a blog. I get to share my finishes with like minded people and I have the best ever reminder of what I made. Thanks for dropping by!

  8. Those Canada minis are great! They look like the perfect collection to hang for Canada day!

    1. Thanks Jennifer....they would be if I still had them. All except one have gone to new homes!

  9. Thanks for the Canada Day quilt show! Hope you had a lovely day.

    1. Thanks! it seems like so long ago. It was good here in the burbs. Take care.

  10. All great projects. You have an interesting start on the quilt with chives, it does sound better in French. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.

    1. Thanks so much Denise for your comments, linking up and your own party. Take care.

  11. Hope you had a lovely Canada Day. Thanks for re-showing all your themed quilts, I still love the beaver. Thanks for linking up with the Chameleon's Colour & Inspiration Tuesday. :)

    1. Thanks Dione. It was a very different Canada Day and much less busy in the neighbourhood than I thought it would be. Take care.

  12. Hello Andrée,

    Funny isn't it, how you forget how much you have made over the past few years. The Canada quilt show is such a good idea. You found the perfect place to photograph the art quilt, next to the clematis.

    Love, Muv

    1. Hi Muv, yes, the years seem to merge together. I'm so glad to have my blog as a reminder, especially for the quilts that I've given away (which is most of them!) I'm impatiently waiting for my neighbour's clematis to flower for some more pictures :-) Take care.


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